Hi! I'm Alicia AKA Lilthing and this is my homepage. I owe alot to my good friend, Jenn, who helped me get started on these pages. I am part of the web ring for Always_Friends. The Always_Friends group is an email list that I belong to. I met these wonderful Ladies on the list in 1998. We are all very good friends who talk about anything and everything. Please take time to check out the links in the webring for Always_Friends to meet my friends.

These pages will be probably be under construction all the time. So check back often for new things and new pictures.

I also belong to a wonderful group for mom's with large families. It is called Lots of Kids. I found them at Yahoo Groups a couple of years ago and don't know how I would ever get along without them.

It seems to me that I have been trying to get these pages just how I want them forever now. I am starting to make progress and hope to have them updated more often now. I don't make any of the graphics that you see on these pages, but I have searched long and hard to find some that were right for each page. There are links to follow on each page to show you where you can go to get the graphics that I have used. I do not know where the graphics on this page came from, but if you know I would be happy to give credit where it is due.

This RingSurf Always Friends webring is owned by Lilthing's Home Page.

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Come and see my Kids!

Dedication to my stepdad

It would be a big honor if you would take the time to visit my guestbook! Thanks for stopping in!


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