Gun Control Attempt at Human Control

Everyone from politicians to peers have opinions regarding the laws and policies applicable to 'gun control.' There are politicians wanting to increase the restrictions on the purchase of firearms with more laws. On the other hand, many citizens wish to reduce or altogether remove existing legal restraints. Officials seem to believe that making the purchase of guns more restrictive and complicated, will remedy the violent conditions of American society. Many Americans feel that their right secured by the second Constitutional Amendment is being violated by these gun controls.

Those political leaders wishing to make this country a safer place (which is a good intention) have a false notion that putting so many restrictions on the purchase of firearms will actually prevent gun-related crimes. Who are they kidding?! Not many criminals walk into a store and say, "I would like to purchase a Colt 45, please" just before committing a crime. Criminals generally obtain weapons on the black market or they steal them. Instead of putting restrictions on the "honest" purchasing of firearms, attack the illegal means by which criminals acquire weapons. Many also put forth an argument similar to this - because people have committed murder with firearms, banishing firearms will take away the problem. Uh, please tell me you're seeing the flaws in this thought process. One could easily bash someone's skull with a hammer. Should we then attack ACE Hardware, demanding they no longer sell hammers? Absolutely not! The PERSON committed a crime, the PERSON did wrong, the PERSON should be punished. The answer is not to restrict and/or outlaw their weapon of choice. If guns are to blame for crimes then my pencil is to blame for my misspelling.

Many responsible gun owners oppose all restrictions of firearms. This opposition is based on the belief that their Constitutional right is being infringed upon. They do not believe the government should be imposing upon their privacy and rights. I agree that the Constitution does allow for citizens to manufacture, purchase, and own firearms if they so choose. I also believe that the government can (with society's support) implement certain guidelines regarding said issue. For example, I see nothing wrong with performing a background check on someone wishing to purchase a gun. Any time there is a right, there is a responsibility. A citizen has the right to purchase a firearm unless they have shown irresponsibility. Irresponsibility can range from poor security and handling, to armed crimes, to willful murder. If the would-be purchaser has a clean record, he/she should obtain the desired weapon without incident. The responsibility from that point on includes proper handling, suitable safekeeping, and knowlegable use of their weapon. There should be classes available for the uses and safekeeping of every kind of firearm. For example, if someone purchases a hunting rifle, there should be a class available for them to take instructing them on the proper use, cleaning, and security of that firearm. There are classes available to those wishing to purchase and carry a handgun, this trend should apply to all firearms.

As stated in my other articles, many of the problems occuring in today's society can be traced back to the home. This applies to the use of guns as well. When children are raised in a home where guns are present, but properly stored and secured, danger is greatly reduced. Guns are not toys. When children are allowed to play with toy guns, water guns, violent video games, etc., they are given the impression that guns can be "play things". Children should be taught the responsible use of various firearms as well as a respect for them. Additionally, children should be taught moral and ethical values, especially a strong respect for human life. When children are taught that abortion is "OK" and taught to believe that humanity is merely decended from animals, the result is a belief that human life is no longer precious. It should not be up to the government to prevent and/or dictate behavior. It should be up to the government to punish society's deviants. Violent criminals should receive swift and severe punishment for their actions. It is up to parents to teach proper bahvior and attitudes through example, talks, and use of dicipline.

Solving gun related crime lies not in the restrictions of purchsing firearms. Instead, it is in proper education from the home and the government, in serious punishment when crime does occur, and the removal of the glorification of violence in our society.

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