
Mewsa Crest
"Quando Omni Flunkus Somnambutati"
"When all else fails, take a nap"

Mewsa is an international organization for the intelligentsia of the cat population. In order to qualify for Mewsa membership, you must score at least 90 percent on the Mewsa Intelligence Test. This formidable test is extremely difficult and arduous. Only the most brilliant cats are able to pass it. There is no equivalent test for the canine population.

History of the
Mewsa Coat of Arms

Blazon of Arms: Black Feline, two paws, book, red, green

Translation: The Black Feline denotes Agility and Grace, the two paws signify the fact that "Cats leave Paw Prints on Human Hearts", the book represents the Wisdom possessed by all felines. The green denotes Constancy in Friendship; while the red denotes Valour and Fidelity.

Crest: A Black feline sitting on a book with two green paws on either side, on a red background.

Origin: In Never Never Land

A Cat Studies for the Mewsa Test

BFCC Chapter of Mewsa
A Mewsa Chapter has been opened at the Back Fence Cat Club. The BFCC was selected after a nationwide search for a club with members of unusually high intellect.

The Director of the local chapter is Dr. Maya Bunny, Ph.P. who also serves on the national board. Although Maya is known to "elite" cats from around the world as Big, Bold and Beautiful, she is quite Brainy as well, thus making her well qualified for this position. Maya received her Ph.P in Purrology at the prestigious MIT. (Meowers In Training)

Professor Leo is also well known internationally. He holds Old Deuteronomy Chair at Jellico University. Leo has lectured around the country, but his claim to fame is the invention of the "Paddy Paws Kumputer Keeboard" - the ergonomic design has been copied by many of the larger computer companies.

Completely Absorbed
Grand Master
Henry Von Tudor
Message from the President

As President of this Chapter of Mewsa, I would like to welcome all intellectual felines to our organization. I am proud to be a member. Let me remind each and every one of you that membership to this club carries GREAT responsibility... notice the word GrEAT, ends with "eat"... at all Mewsa gatherings, there will be an overabundance of tuna, salmon mousse and catnip tea to nourish our minds as well as our bodies.

Should you not succeed in obtaining your BFCCMIT Certificate after the first attempt, Professor Leo will provide a "study guide" should you wish to retry the test in a months time.

Grand Master Henry Von Tudor

Board of Directors

  • Grand Master Henry Von Tudor, President
  • Dr. Maya Bunny, Ph.P, Director
  • Professor Leo, Secretary-Treasurer

Director Maya
Dr. Maya, Ph.P
Secretary Treasurer Leo
Professor Leo

Mewsa Meetings

Mewsa meetings provide members with the opportunity to mingle with perspicacious cats and enjoy stimulating conversations. This is a welcome relief from the inane meowversations so often heard in their homes; i.e., "Does snookums want some din din?" or "Isn't my sweetie just the cutest little kitty in the whole big wide world?" (While passing many homes one often hears a soft groan of a feline listening to such drivel).

There are numerous interest clubs within the Mewsa family. Debates on "To get a Wink Wink or not", "Clumping Litter vs Clay Litter", "To mouse or not to mouse". The aforementioned interest groups are but a few of the stimulating ones you can join.

Email Dr.Maya Ph.P

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