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Texas Girl

Here is a pic of me *smile* I tried to warn you, but you looked anyway *lol*. I am a pretty simple person.

I was born on 06/27/63 so you do the math and figure my age *smile* In my spare time (not that I have much) I enjoy bowling, my daughters, camping, my daughters, fishing, my daughters, swimming, my daugthers, football (GO COWBOYS), my daughters, tennis (man you can’t beat Andre Agassi in a pair of shorts), my daughters, crafts, and did I mention my daughters!

I was born in San Antonio, TX and moved to Sherman at the young age of 5, where my father was transferred with his job. I am the third of six children, with the other 5 being all boys. There is another rebel brother that I have Jim Cornell, we share a parent unit that we never see (hmmmm is that good or is that bad...Hmmmm...THAT IS GOOD! *LOL* )I work for a non-profit civic organization and what my responsiblities are....well...hmmmm let me get back to you on that one. *S*. I am the mother of three beautiful daughters, Jennifer, Stefanie and Victoria.

I am somewhat of a rebel, if you don't believe me ask the my parents, they think I am and all I wanted to do was play little league baseball *and I was a good pitcher too*. Hey but not all my rebellions were bad, I mean I did audition for the Sherman Symphony as a Freshman in High School and was accepted as first chair. So see I do have a little culture. I do play the violin, viola, flute and piano.

You can usually find me at the zone playing spades or backgammon (StarlightFangs), ICQ (1457294), or in VOG Backgammon (Sweet*BG*Angel) So if you run into me please feel free to say hello and introduce yourself.

If I am not in the zone when you arrive please say hello to all my wonderful Fang Family...and No I am not going to mention everyoe by name because I would forget someone one and then they would spank me *perk*...oops nevermind back to the homepage.

If you happen to wander into VOG please beware of SSFangs and Ready47 they are really nothing but troublemakes *LOL*

Well now that you know more about me than you wanted...Nice to meet you *smile*

Hey please sign my quest book and let me know you were here. Please feel free to leave suggestions or comments. Well that is everyone except you Kathy (Caer) *LMAO* Thanks for stopping by!

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Midi title
"Yellow Rose of Texas"