Some web brousers say you don't need to know HTML
to make a homepage, but that is not totally true. If you want
to make one with your personality showing then you will need to learn
some. The great thing about web brousers is you can start with
knowing nothing and learn as you go.

Another thing to remember as you surf is, if you see someone
elses page that you like and you want to know what tags they used to give
that effect, then all you do is right click on the mouse button and then click
"view source." On Netscape it is a little different, you go to the tool bar and
view and then go to "view document."

HTML for the Conceptually Challenged

Barebone HTML

Matt's Script Archive
I don't even understand this one, but I will some day.
If you want a challenge with HTML here it is.

The HTML Tutor

RGB Color Chart

A Tablemaker
They also have links to a colormaker and a frameshop.

From what I understand Java is not really HTML.
But it is a set of characters thatyour browser
is to understand to give a certain effect on your webpage.
And only Netscape 2 and Microsoft 3.01 or above can read it.
And it takes a long time to download for most of your visitors.
So it may be wise not to even mess with it. But if you want to.....

Instant Java
is the best java site I have seen for people like me who know nothing about it.
They have the applet ready to download and ready to add to your page.

Applets from JavaSoft
More applets.

Ask the Java Pro

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