Tools for a Homepage©

Homepage Builder
This is a place on the web you can make a homepage without knowing anything. I loved it. I made my first page, didn't use it, but it gave me a feel for creating one.

This is a link that will take you to a place that will let you download a web page builder. This is the easiest to understand and use, for me anyway. Let me tell you it's not easy, but the easiest to use. The wonderful thing is its free.

Introduction-The Elements of Web Page Style-Shady Oaks

After you go to the top two links and start there, then go to this page. This is really good place to learn how to put your whole page together with colors, graphics, style, content, layout, navigation, frames, maintenance, and links. And I can understand it. It's always helpful when a person can understand something. Isn't that the truth? Sometimes they make it so confusing no-one can understand. :-)

Rozie's Tutorial
This is a great page recommended by email. And I love it. You want to go here to understand everything there is to find out about how to put graphics on your page. What I liked most is the explanation of illustrated size and space changes to improve your headline and how to stretch, shrink, and add margins to most graphics.

How to Create Your own Web Page
Another page to help you find gifs and helps to create your pages.

Ask Dr. Web
This is great. Alot of help on how to make graphics, lots of answered questions about graphics and how to set up your colors to go along with your graphics.

A Tablemaker
They also have links to a colormaker and a frameshop.

Pitt Stop-Web Design Forum
This could be the most valuable tool, a forum for others to answer your questions.


There are at least seven other places to get free homepages, but of course I recommend Geocities. They have alot of helps right there on their site. I learned alot from them. And they really want you to suceed. Try them.

This page hosted by Get your ownFree Home Page

They only give 35,000k for disk space as opposed to Geocities which gives you 2,000,000kb. So if you are just looking for a few pages and not too many original graphics then they would be perfect. They have plenty of graphics right there at their site.

I don't know much about them. You will have to check them out yourself.

Virtual U Campus
If you still feel like you need help, you can always take a class at this site. They have all kinds of classes to learn about computers, internet, and how to make a web page from scratch with HTML. Free!

Que's Digital Bookshelf-Computer Books On Line
Or you can just read a book on line about "How to make your webpage". They offer many different books from HTML, to programing and networking.

For future Reference

Guest Books

I use Lpage and Dream Book.

But there is alsoToast and SPIN.
These are all free guestbooks.

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