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In memory of Judith Cfas 1906-1998

New - PSG Recipe Corner

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Welcome to the Prestwich Smile Gemach Home Page. This page has been carefully hand crafted using traditional Swiss watchmaking skills. Any complaints about the content should be directed to the President of the United States of America (who will probably ignore you). Any applause should be directed to the PSG (see Contacting The PSG).

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Table Of Contents

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Tecknical Note

This web page has been carefully designed to be viewed on any web browser going, even tatty old valve and rubber band driven text-only ones. Having said that, it looks a lot better with graphics turned on, so stop worrying about the telephone bill and download those pictures !! Actually, all of the images on these web pages were deliberately kept small so that it would not take too long to download them.

If you experience any difficulties with this web site, please let us know as we would like to make it as user-friendly as possible. Communications are possible via the channels explained in Contact The PSG, barring postal strikes, telephones being cut off or computer failure.

Netscape not needed Use any browser MSIE not needed

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Introduction To The PSG PSG members PSG Services
Complimentary Amusements Contact The PSG Friends Of The PSG
Glossary Of Hebrew Words PSG Joke List PSG Fish Tank
Sign Guestbook Photo Gallery View Guestbook

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