aka Nancy's homepage

anah baby

last update was Jan 11, 2007 : Angel baby Anah welcome

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These pages are devoted to my wonderful family, genealogy, my poems page, and my pets.   If you want to skip the family stuff just click here or there to go to my Pets Page (this one will tell you why I used the nick KirbyBear).   Here is the link to my profession , I am letter carrier, and work very hard to Delivery for YOU!   My immediate family consists of my husband and I, my children, Tara and Alex; step-children, Steve, Rob and Courtney; and grandchildren, Kelcee, Anah, Shiloh, Tyson-James, and Kaleb-John. My husband, Bob and I are Letter Carriers.   We live in Southern IL across the bridge from St. Louis.   Below is a picture of Alex and I after creating a Halloween pumpkin (2003) then another at the MO Botantical Gardens in St. Louis (spring 1996). For more family pics go here.

Mom and Alex

Mom and Alex

Here are the 1996 pictures of Tara and Alex!  Tara's junior high cheer squad won fifth in the state in Mar 1997.
Tara Alex

Here is a picture Alex!  



My Favorite Links

here are some other favorite links.....more to come soon...

Below are some helpful genealogy sites...


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Nancy's Genealogy Stuff

I am very involved in genealogy.  I am a nationally recognized member of the
Daughters of the American Revolution.

  To see a chart of my family tree click here.   Since I am always updating this, please click on Reload for each page.  Some of the names in the charts are hyperlinks to more data and pictures of them or their homes and businesses...  

I am currently working on a line that has stumped me.   It is the Taylor line from Sparta, IL about 1850.  James H. Taylor, born 1826 TN, married 1848 near Sparta, IL to Isabella McDill, born 1830 OH.  Isabella's parents were Archibald and Margaret McDill both born in South Carolina in 1799.  I would like to know more about James Taylor and his parents (John Kennedy Taylor and Sarah Wylie ).  I descend from James and Isabelle son, Charles S. Taylor, born 1850.   I will add a more about this line as time goes on, in hopes someone knows something.   Click here to go to distant cousin's (3rd cousin once removed) site for more info!   Click here to go to The Merrill Newsletter .....another distant cousin and great info!!! Click here to go to KirbyBear's Lost and Found Relatives

"Genealogy is like a sex life.   Mine is fascinating, yours is a bore.   Unless of course yours crosses mine." Unknown Author
rose picture

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