APunkin's Place

The beautiful song playing (Fairy Tale) was given to me by a very special friend I call DUMPLIN' ...
Thanks, Mick ... and B.D.G. !!! Dumplin' *S*

Hello !!! How are you??? I'm really glad you stopped by ... I just LOVE company !!

A little bit about APunkin ...

Y'all know me as APunkin ... but my real name is CONNIE ... I was born November 27th *giggling* ... bet cha thought I'd give the year *S* ... NO WAY !!! I live in Dallas, Texas and I am an executive secretary.

APunkin's Family ...

Jock (or you may know him as Turk), from the Gathering Place is my husband ... his name is RICK and he was born October 9th *giggling* ... still giving no year !!! October 15th we celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary !!! We must be doing something right, huh ?!?! I love this guy !!! Turk and I have two children. Ok, y'all, this be the Jockster !!!

CLARISSA, our daughter, is a college sophomore majoring in elementary education. Oh yeah, she was born August 10, 1979 ... yeah, y'all get a year this time *G*. This is my Kitza !!!

Our son, DEREK, is a senior and plays trombone and marches in the high school marching band. (They are the "show band of the southwest" I might add, and the only Texas high school marching band to advance to state UIL finals every year since its inception - winning twice.) His birthday is April 6, 1981. See, you get another year !!!

This place is just not finished, Yet !!! But please keep watching !!!

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Member: Connie.

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Lookey What I Won From
"Texas Terry"
Yeeeeeeeeee-Haaaaaaaaaaw !!!

Thanks Terry !!!

And I Won This From
Ain't it Great !!!

Thanks Mike !!!
I Love Red, White, and Blue !!!

May all your dreams come true.

Thanks again for visiting.

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