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Kylie your hostess
The Life of Kylie... One dog's journey spanning half the globe.

Hi, I'm Kylie, I'm a 5-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, as far as anyone knows, although the unique color of my markings make me quite an enigma. I have tried to explain to my people that I am a free spirit, not to be limited by the stereotype of any one "breed". I am Kylie - I eat, therefore I am.

I was born in ALOHA Hawaii. Unfortunately, no record of my early life exists, and I don't remember much before my family adopted me at the Hawaiian Humane Society. I was about eight months old, and was pretty banged up, I had been surviving alone on the streets. But I was destined for bigger and better things; my own apartment, with a family to pay the rent; toys; an extensive wardrobe; an allowance of $7 a week, I even have a Platinum Visa card in my name (yes, I'm very serious). The only thing I don't get enough of is food, I don't know why I'm not served a plate at dinner time; sleep, a "mighty-dog" type like myself, should have at least 10 or 12 "dog-naps"; every day; and attention, my people insist they have to go to someplace they call work. That leaves just me and my MTV (Don't tell my mommy I change the channel after she's gone, she thinks rap music is a bad influence, but a dog can only watch so much PBS [sorry Wishbone]).
Snow Puppy

When I was about 3 we moved from Hawaii to New Jersey. I've logged a lot of travel miles since then, I visited Atlantic City (They threw me out of the Taj Mahal), Virginia Beach (Hi Keskie & Alex!), Boston (Look out Golden Retrievers), Pennsylvania (I scared an Amish girl), and of course The Big Apple (I made it there, so I'll make it anywhere), and have plans for even more excursions to come. Since moving here I've discovered the wonders of snow, the evil of squirrels, and most importantly New Jersey Devils Hockey.

Thanks for visiting my site! Now, please take some time to get to know me even better. Just click below, you can see more about my life in Hawaii then peruse my editorials, for my point of view on important topics. For those of you who just can't get enough, there are pages with lots of pictures of me, and my life story. Please don't miss my tribute to the New Jersey Devils with pictures of me suited-up to play, and of course my Psychic Puppy Network Page (did I forget to mention my psychic powers?). You can send a "Kylie-gram" to your friends and play game of "Kylie-tration" on my fun and games page, but don't leave without entering my contest for a chance to win a Psychic Puppy T-Shirt. Thanks for stopping by!

Psychic Puppy Network...Win a T-Shirt...A Little Hawaii... Pictures of Me!!...The Editorial Pages...Fun and Games NJ Devils...My Web Awards...Jack Russell Web Ring

Last update was October 6, 2002
Let me know what you think about my page, e-mail me Mail

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Have a fortune cookie, ask my magic dog biscuit questions, check your bio rythms, or get your lucky numbers. Enter my contest and win yourself a Psychic Puppy T-Shirt.  See a few photos from my homeland. Photos of me...for the true blue Kylie fans who can never get enough. Read my Drive thru reviews, or my expose' on squirrels...this is where I speak my mind. Play Kylie games or send someone a Kylie Post Card! My NJ Devils tribute page.  See me suited up for my next job as the NJ Devils goalie, watch out Martin Brodeur. Web awards bestowed upon my site. See more Jacks on the web, or join the ring if you have a Jack related page.