Hi there, this is Allen and Deb from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Allen and I have been married since 1983 and have 3 beautiful children Kirsty 14 , Matthew 11 and Andrew 9. Allen and I would like to say a BIG THANKYOU to our wonderful friend Dave from Western Australia who has helped me make this page.

Very soon I will have a page all about Our Holiday to America , Canada and Hawaii , There sure are some great pics and FUNNY stories .

Friends Pic Page

Family and Friends Pic Page

Another page of Family and Friends .

This page has some great links to Our Beautiful Country

A nice Australian Winery.


Please visit these site's you will enjoy them

Kens Homepage

Dave and Nikki's Home page

Page me in ICQ

Bubbles (Liz) Homepage

John's Homepage

Sharyn's Homepage

Bob's Homepage

Hiram's (EG) Homepage

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