Word from Our WebMaster
    Dear Brother Knights, Sir Knights, and Guest,

          When I first started the project of building a webpage for council it
was a 3:00am in the morning.  Coming across some info and how to build one I started to compile a webpage for our council.     This first started in the latter part of 1995.   Now as I write this messgae it again is at 3:00am in the morning, seeing I have to get up at 7:00 I will make this short and sweet.
            I started this page with the intent on pushing more younger members into the Knights.   The information age as we call it.   As of 11-1-97, I have finalized the process of getting the site running at 100% compliance.  With a site leading to the 4th degree (which I am a member), a site leading to the Squires, and in the future maybe a site leading to our order of the D of I.    If you are reading this, I know you care.   So please, if you have any suggestions, please let me know. By email or you can page me on ICQ and send me a instant message if I am on the internet.



Lawrence J. Prevo
Davison Knights Webmaster

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