The Guestbook is back!


Grab that cup of coffee, glass of iced tea, or cup of herbal tea, and come on in and visit a spell.

Call me Dayisy.

.........that comes from my youngest jumping in on the keyboard as I was pressing Enter.

Come sit with me in the garden.
This computer would be there if it were possible.
I might even do some house cleaning if I could do it from the garden! :-)

Eventually, I hope this site will be the Gateway to:

a Family Gathering Place;
a place where I can voice My Opinions;
and, well, hopefully, eventually, do something that a lot of different people might find interesting, maybe even fun.

But right now, I would feel real good if you would pay special attention to this

Scroll on down and see if you can find anything here or on my other pages that might interest you.

Be sure to check each family page for
Notes, Clippings, Obits, Weddings, Cemeteries,
Links to Related Families

and other new pages as they come on line.

FAMILY GATHERING is where you will find links to the following families:


You will also see......Avera, Willingham, Shepherd, Smith,
Shirey, Dodson, Cole, Webb, Williams,
......and many more.

Other names you will see are:


You will also see......Clayton, Stanley, Lewis, Davis, Johnson,
Sadler, Herman, Holguin, Mendez, Zuniga,
......and many more.

This site is listed with
Top 100 Early Texas Families.
Please click on the icon above to Vote for this site and view the growing list of Texas pioneer families.

Check out "MY OPINIONS" to see what has me up on my soap box today. Then go over and see what My Youngest One is doing with her sites. She has finally consolidated all her fun at one site!!!

As time goes by, you may find that more and more of my pages will contain both English and Spanish translations in deference to my hispanic family members. As of today that is true only for my Soto Family pages and my new help page on how to safely control those Fleas and Ticks!

The links to the new and old Guestbooks are below. Just click on the link to view the 'old' Guestbook; or Sign in on the new one. Feel free to tell me what you think about the whole site, or any particular page you did or did not like; and go ahead and leave your own query concerning the Surnames you are researching.

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
View the Original guestbook.
View 2nd Guestbook

E-mail Dayisy at

Please sign the book or e-mail me.


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This site will continue to be in perpetual motion until I am well-pleased everytime I check-in.
The Links on this site as well as the Text will continue to change as I learn more.

I will make it a practice to check every Link on this site on a regular basis.

Please come back to visit again soon, and often.

You are guest Counter since this site opened January 20, 1999, 23:11:17.

This Site last updated November 15, 2003.

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