Steph's PALs Page
(Print Artist LoverS)

PALs 1999 Convention logoYou will find PALS use Print Artist for lots more than just having fun. Check out the mailing lists below for lots of information on computer crafting and you gain friendships that last a lifetime not to mention joining swaps to learn new things. Just be sure to hold on to your checkbook and credit card because computer crafting is very addictive! <VBG>

If you're not already a PAL, visit Sierra's home page to find out how to get YOUR copy of Print Artist today, and join us!

This site is designed as a tool to give you ideas on what you can make with your computer along with links of sites that are helpful when starting to computer craft, and projects to download. I hope you bookmark this site and visit often. Please sign my guestbook (below) and let me know that you were here.

List of websites for newbies to check out on techniques, graphics, sayings, etc.
Downloadable projects in Print Artist (PA)
Swap items (pix)
Country Backgrounds


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