Cameo Manor is closed here
Someone hacked in to my site here and put up an add to a place that is harmful to computers.

I had this site here since 1997 - 1998 a lot of hard work went into it.

It was set in the Victorian Era when people were kinder to each other.

I will pray for whom ever did this thing. They are in bad need of prayers.

Those who know me, will soon be able to visit my new site.
I mourn the lost of my beautiful site.
I put a lot of love into it and made a lot of beautiful friends along the way.

But I will be back maybe even more beautiful then before!
Hackers you can't knock me down for long.
May God have mercy on your souls.
I am so tired of fighting pop up adds and adds on the beautiful pages we work so hard to create!  My new site won't have any such things it will be my own domain.....   Only ads will be ones I feel deserve to be there. I won't be making any money off them either!!!!!    Bye for just a little while....  Shirl