Welcome to Our Homepage!

If you are expecting something great or eloquent here you'll be disappointed. This site is my hobby. Whenever I have time I fiddle with it. One day I'd love to have a site that is spectacular; for now I'm satisfied that my family members can come by and see what I'm up to. I have alot of ideas about new things to put up on this site and one day, I'll get to it.
Have any feedback? You can e-mail me using the link, or sign my guestbook. There is also a form on the Potpouri page for input in that area. Enjoy the sight, and come back. I try to change at least the first page every new season or holiday.

About my Family

The Potpourri Page

My Homework Page

My Testimony Page

My New Sister

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We are proud to support our troops who are overseas. May they all return safely.

A Soldiers Christmas Poem