I never planned on making a page.  However, I need something to show for all the time I spend on this computer.  So, I figured....why not??  Is anybody even interested in all this stuff about me??  Hmmm....oh well....here goes....

First of all I should start off by saying my name is not Ruby, it's Veronica.  Ruby is short for RubyhairEmeraldeyes which is my chat name in Yahoo Brat Trivia.  I've ACTUALLY had people ask me if Ruby is my real name.....ummmm...hello!!!!  Anybody with any sense what-so-ever can figure it out....yup..that's right...I've got RED hair and GREEN eyes....


I was born on September 3rd 1972 in Santa Ana, California.  I've got two older brothers, Sean and Kevin.  Hmmm....let's see...I'm the only girl and the youngest....think I was spoiled???  If you ask them, they'll tell you....Yes!!!

Hell...it's not my fault mom loved me the most.  Do you blame her??  Look at me...I was adorable!!!
They still live in denial.  They won't admit that I was her favorite.  I'm sure in time, they'll come to grips with the truth!  Hmmmm...or perhaps it's Me who needs to get a grip?!!  Naaaahh.....

Anyways....I was a military brat so we didn't stay in any one place for too long.  When I was in the second grade we left California and moved to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.  When I was in the sixth grade, we once again moved....this time to Okinawa, Japan.  This is where I became.....a teenager!!

I was an angel (hehehe) Parents dream (hehehe...nightmare actually)....let's just say, I'm thankful my parents didn't have me commited to a looney bin ( cause ummm....lookin' back now, that's where I would've put me if I was my own kid!!! (that made no sense huh?)

Can you believe I actually put this picture up for all to see?!!  Wow!!  Talking about some BIG hair... what the hell was I thinking??!!!  Never the less...it's a part of my past and I can't deny it.  Would I go back and at least trim it up some???  NO!!...Every experience in my life, as petty as it may be (big hair), has made me into the person I am today.  Enough of that already...continuin'.....I moved back to the states my senior year in high school...Atlanta, Georgia to be exact.

I graduated from Smyrna High School in 1990.  I planned on taking a year or two off before heading to college.  However, things don't always turn out as planned.  Instead of going to school, I got married in 1991 to a man I'd known since I was fourteen.   (He knew me back in my "big hair" days...yet he STILL married me.....amazing!!)

After getting married, I moved to Savannah, Georgia.  I landed a job at a collection agency.  I LOVED it!! I couldn't have asked for a better group of folks to work with on a daily basis. No college degree necessary...so, once again, school was put off.  We did the typical married thing...bought a house...got in debt...blah blah blah.  On December 17th, 1994, life as I knew it changed forever...I gave birth to Mariah Christine.

Once my precious Mariah was born, my priorities suddenly changed.  I really can't explain what (hope this makes sense) it's just once I held her, I realized things that I thought were important, really weren't.  Things that I'd stressed out about, seemed so petty.  What mattered was this new little person whom was entrusted to me and my husband.  When she was about a year and a half old, we moved to Kentucky.  On January 24th, 1997, I was blessed with another beautiful little girl, Miranda Renee.

My life now revolves around my children.  I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to stay home with them.  I do plan on furthering my education...however, for the time being...nothng is more fulfilling then watching my girlies discover the world.  I can go to school anytime...my girlies will only have one childhood.

There ya have it.....the basics of my life.

More Girlie Pics
My Bestest Friend
A tribute to my mother
Good Riddance
Three become Two Animated Brats

I was recently given a couple of awards for the work I've done on my site...(I didn't even know awards on the web exsisted....neat huh?!) Anyhow, Thank you so much Carol...

I'm new to this!!! Page is under construction...sooooo...please be patient!!!!

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