Welcome to the Bailey's Homepage. There are many rooms to visit in our home, and we hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Join us in the family room where you will meet the family and get to know us a little better. Stop by the nursery and visit with Alexandra. She is almost 3 years old and would love to entertain you with some poetry and thoughts on little ones. Christopher, our 8 month old, would love to have you stop in and see how he is growing through out his first year.

Christmas 1999

Visit our garden where you can "pick" us out in the family photo albums. You can curl up by the fire in the library and read a story or two, or come on in the kitchen, where you will find Mom "cooking up" a few quotes that will make you smile. If Mom isn't in the kitchen, you may find her in the art studio working on a project. For the kids, follow the path in the backyard to Alexandra's Playhouse or visit Christopher's Peek A Boo Zoo. Parents, please take a moment and look at S.K.I.P, Safe Kids Informed Parents. These are pages that will help keep your child safe on the Internet.

While you are visiting, meet the "neighbors", friends of ours that have their own Homepages, or ride on a webring and explore sites similar to ours. I also created a webring just for toddlers and preschoolers, The Teething Ring. We welcome your comments and suggestions, and we would like to know you "dropped by", so don't forget to sign our guestbook before you go.

Home/Nursery/Christopher/Family Room/Garden/Library/Kitchen/Art Studio/S.K.I.P./Alexandra's Playhouse/Peek A Boo Zoo/Friends/Webrings/The Teething Ring
Sign the Guestbook/Read the Guestbook/Awards

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

since January 14, 1998

The graphics on these pages were made by Scarlett, using PSP v5.0, for use on these pages only. Please do not use them without permission. Email us with any comments, questions or concerns.