A special welcome to the newest member of our family, Christopher, born April 1, 1999 at 8:54 AM, weighing 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 and 1/4 inches long. He has dark blue/grey eyes and blond hair. He seems to have his nights and days mixed up, which is a whole new experience to his Mom and Dad, but we are adjusting quickly. Please check back with us soon and watch our little miracle grow.

This is Christopher in the hospital. He is less than 24 hours old.

Here I am at 3 weeks old...I am getting so cute!

One Month Checkup
May 3, 1999 - I am doing great! I have gained 2 pounds and 5 ounces since my last Dr visit, so I am now 9 pounds 13 ounces. I did not care for the shot they gave me, but I took it in stride. I went on my first trip to the beach this past weekend. It was like a cold tropical storm, so I didn't get to go out at all. Maybe next time. I am doing a little better in the sleeping department, but I really like to sleep with Mom and Dad. I think Dad is jealous.

Two Month Checkup
June 3, 1999 - I am growing by leaps and bounds! I am 22 1/4 inches long and I weigh 12 pounds. This time it was three shots and it was awful! I now sleep at least 6 hours at a time at night and Mommy is getting more sleep than ever. We have another trip to the beach coming up so maybe I will get to see the ocean this time.

Four Month Checkup
August 3, 1999 - Well I am certainly growing! I am 15 pounds, 12 ounces and 25 1/2 inches long! I have just discovered I have a voice and I love to entertain everyone with my constant chattering. My hair looks to be very much like my cousin Ian's, very very blonde and I have my sister Alexan's big blue eyes. I am a happy little soul and I think the greatest thing in the world is watching Alexan play. She makes me giggle!

Seven Months
I am running all over the house now driving Mom and Dad crazy in my walker. Alexan and I love to get in the kitchen, me in the walker, Alexan on her tricycle, and we play bumper cars. We laugh and laugh. No teeth yet and I still just like formula. (Don't tell Mommy, but I am saving myself for a steak!) I am also learning to talk. I like to make noises to the radio when we are riding in the car. My first Thanksgiving was fun, I even said my first word "Ma ma ma ma ma ma", she was so happy. We spent the day with Nana and Granny, Wendy, Vince and Ian. Ian hit me with a stool, so I am thankful I made it to Friday. I know he didn't mean too, he loves me!

Eight Months
Alexan keeps talking about Santa. I went to Chapel Hill and got to sit on his lap. He is pretty nice, I liked pulling on his beard. It has been a pretty busy month. I am trying to cut 3 teeth at once. Mommy says it is hard work, and she's right! As soon as I get them, I can have my steak. Maybe I will ask Santa for my two front teeth! I weigh 19 pounds and I am 28 inches long! Gracious I am really growing!

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