My Newest Photos

These were all taken at about 16 weeks of age.

Fun & Games!

Now that the weather is warm, I'm learning lots of new outdoor games. I especially enjoy chasing bubbles, and bobbing for tennis balls in the little pond. (Mom & Daddy are despairing of being able to grow plants around the edge of the pond EVER AGAIN!)

"What ARE those things??" "uh-oh... they're landing on Blaze's back!" "I'm gonna get YOU!"


Study the direction of movement... lean waaaayyy out into the pond and .... .... SUCCESS!!

But all this fun has its consequences.... BATHTIME!!!

If you remember my first picture on the drier, you'll know how much I've grown. "Dad, I hope you set this thing for "GENTLE" cycle!"
(no, he didn't REALLY throw me in!)

We'll have more new photos soon. If this is your first visit, you can see previous pictures of me here.


Canine Clowns


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