LaVerne's Country Home Page

Hello, and welcome to my page. This is really my husbands idea. I just like to play games on his computer, but he decided I needed a web page, and so here it is. He does all the work and I just tell him what I want it to say.

First thing to do is to dedicate this page to my Mother and Father,
George Lamar and Ruth Potts who are both in Heaven.
This picture is for you, Mother and Daddy.

This page is all about the finer things in life, Grandkids, kids, my hubby, and all our cats. It is devoted to the simple way of life in the country. On this page we can share stories about raising kids and grandkids, cooking, and enjoying a wonderful country way of living. I will also be posting favorite family recipes and hints and tips for making life easier. If you want a particular recipe or have a question about how to remove stains or any other nagging problems, please drop me a line and I will try to help you. I Don't have time to do chatting areas, but I do check the mail often, so let me know if there is anything I can help you with.