Note: these are extracts and may not be the complete text

Some of these documents were previously published in
"History of the County of Lunenburg"
by Mather Byles DesBrisay © 1895

This Page Contains: Lunenburg Militia of 1798 | Lunenburg Township Grant | Article of Indenture

Lunenburg Militia of 1798
This list was found in a German Almanac whose title page translates as follows:

The Nova Scotia Calendar
For the year after salvation bringing birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
Which is a common year of 365 days, etc., etc., etc.
Published For The First Time
Halifax: Published and sold by ANTHON HENRICH, in Sackville Street

               Colonel .............. John Creighton
               Lieutenant-Colonel.... Joseph Pernette 

       Jonathan Prescott                Gasper Wollenhaupt
       John Donig                       Francis Rudolph
       Wendel West                      Thomas Pinnele
       Cornwallis Moreau                John Prescott
                      John Christ. Rudolph

       George Koch                       L. M. Wilkins
       Henry Vogeler                     Wilhelm Mervin
       Johan Arenberg                    Mathias Earnst
       Christopher Born                  Johan Henry Jacob
       Johan Pernette                    Antony Thickpenny
       Benj. Knaut                       Nicholas Reinhard
       Johan Wooden                      Philip Rudolph
       Charles Creighton                 Johan N. Oxner
       Thomas Akins                      Franc Rudolph, Adjutant

ref: Desbrisay pp. 74-75

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Lunenburg Township Grant of 1784

Grant to the township of Lunenburg was agreed to August 18th, 1761. 
On June 30th, 1784, one was passed as follows:

 GREETING. - Whereas the settlement of the township of Lunenburg
commenced in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty-three,
and was carried on progressively by laying out and locating plantations
to the inhabitants as they advanced in cultivation and improvement,
until the location of the whole was completed in the year one thousand
seven hundred and sixty-five, at which time a grant of the said township,
for and in the behalf of the said inhabitants, passed the seal of this
province, which grant from various causes was not accepted nor taken
out of the office of the Secretary of this province.  AND WHEREAS, many
of the said inhabitants do now pray that the lands laid out and assigned
to them heretofore may be granted to them in due form and the possession
thereof confirmed to them.  KNOW YE therefore that I, John Parr, Esquire,
Captain-General, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over His
Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia and its dependencies, Vice-Admiral
of the same, etc., etc., etc. by virtue of power and authority to me
given by His present Majesty King George the Third, under the Great
Seal of Great Britain, have given, granted and confirmed, and do by these
presents, by and with the advice and consent of His Majesty's Council
for the said province, give, grant and confirm unto:

                                Acres                                Acres
John Creighton, Esquire ........  800  |  Casper Wollenhaupt ........  930
L. Christopher Rudolf, Esquire .  540  |  John Bollman ..............  420
D. Christopher Rudolf, Esquire .  300  |  John Donig ................   50
Joseph Pernette, Esquire .......  810  |  Philip Herman, sen ........  714
J. Christopher Rudolf ..........   30  |  John Becker ...............  375
John  Deauphinee, sen ..........  180  |  Henry Becker ..............  300
Andrew Jung .................... 1307  |  George Born ...............  200
Just Shup ......................  360  |  George Arenberg ...........  690
Henry Ernst ....................  334  |  George Philip Brothenhauer.  630
Babitt Bachman .................  405  |  Michael Lohnes ............  410
John Bachman ...................  100  |  John Henry Fehder .........  518
Michael Morash .................  330  |  James Leangille ...........  300
Philip Winter, sen .............  360  |  Joseph Contoy .............  360
Jacob Heid .....................  300  |  Philip Triffian ...........  150
James Vienot ................... 1020  |  Leopold Leangille .........  660
Philip Schweinheimer ...........  330  |  Jacob Rufus ...............  260
Jacob Hirtle, sen .............. 1530  |  Assimus Dhill .............  345
Peter Low ......................  450  |  Peter Schner ..............   80
Adam Acker .....................   57  |  Ludewicik Schner ..........   45
George Bohner, sen .............  160  |  Peter Masson ..............   95
Mathias Fihner .................  390  |  Jacob Mosser ..............  420
John Rufus, sen ................ 390   |  John Richard Halter .......  194
Christopher Veinot .............  660  |  George Mosser .............   75
Frederick Lery .................  120  |  Peter Klattenberger, sen ..   75
Valentine Whitman ..............  430  |  George Eisenhauer .........  145
Philip Heniricii ...............  720  |  Mathias Ernst .............   30
Philip Schmeldzer, sen .........  454  |  John Mehder ...............  349
Frederick Emouno, sen ..........  360  |  Casper Meisner, jun .......  535
Peter Wambolt, sen .............  300  |  John Hildtz ...............   30
George Frank, sen ..............  330  |  Henry Mosser ..............   62
John Gerhart ...................  360  |  Samuel Mosser .............  249
Casper Zinck, sen ..............  750  |  Conrad Knochell ...........  330
Nicolaus Glassen ...............  100  |  George Knockell ...........   30
Christian Fehr .................  330  |  Christopher Nasz ..........  735
George Tanner ..................   70  |  Jacob Schller .............  330
John Berringer .................  495  |  Jacob Colp ................   30
Gotlib Berringer ...............  495  |  Frederick Rufus ...........   30
Henry Wagener ..................  700  |  Lorendz Conrad ............  795
John Eisenhauer ................  520  |  George Michael Schmit .....   50
Christian Greff ................  320  |  John Jodery ...............  130
Ulerick Bohliver ...............  130  |  Nicolaus Berghaus .........   60
Christian Eicherd, sen .........   30  |  Alexander Lai .............  495
George Frederick Bailly ........  300  |  John James Bissansa .......  445
Henry Meichszner ...............  500  |  Alexander Kedy ............  737
Wendel Wust .................... 1025  |  William Kedy .............. 1608
Ulerick Hablich ................  125  |  Conrad Krass ..............  345
John Vogely ....................   42  |  Francis Thimon ............  630
Frederick Weil .................  360  |  Frederick Rhuland .........  318
Frederick Beautillier ..........   90  |  Casper Hickman, sen .......  300
George Beautillier, jun ........  120  |  John George Deithoff ......  360
Unto the heirs of George               |  George Deithoff ...........    5
Beautillier ....................  735  |  Conrad Deithoff ...........    5
George Meirer ..................  170  |  Henry Koch ................ 2000
George Koch ....................    2  |  Christian Born ............  264
Frederick Rigolow Miller .......  330  |  Nicolaus Rust .............   20
The heirs of Martin Kaulbach ...  778  |  Thomas Pinnel .............   30
John Smith .....................  330  |  Jeanhurben Jeanperin ......  330
Urvanus Bender .................   34  |  George Walter .............   14
John Dhiel .....................  360  |  Henry Lohnes ..............   65
Valentine Dhiel ................  360  |  Christopher Rust ..........  300
Jacob Westheffer ...............  380  |  Unto heirs of Jacob Born ..  214
Gotlib Harnish .................  615  |  Bernard Mehder ............   65
Jacob Bolback ..................   30  |  Frederick Jodrey ..........  320 
Charles Bolwer .................  450  |  Marcus Leslie .............  390
John Meisner ...................  660  |  Christian Ernst ...........  410
Christopher Lohnes .............  410  |  Peter Ernst ...............   30
John Bargett, sen ..............  360  |  Michael Peck ..............  135
Casper Jung ....................   30  |  Philip Heison .............  675
Frederick Finck ................  338  |  Frederick Hann ............   30
Etien Marriet ..................  480  |  Jacob Moser ...............  373
Nicolaus Wolf ..................  675  |  John Risser ...............  360
Nicolaus Reinhart ..............  330  |  Leonard Neufahrt ..........  390
John Michael Smith .............  168  |  Heirs of Baltaszer Weinacht  270
Henry Oxner ....................   59  |  Henry Wagener, sen ........  120
Conrad Ramge ...................  177  |  Nicholas Hamm .............  806
John Dheiibert .................   30  |  Jacob Schenekel ...........  187
Adam Buhler ....................  330  |  John Brum .................  172 
George Conrad .................. 1055  |  Heirs of Valentine Musler .  330
Thomas Reicherd ................  390  |  Melcher Zwicker ...........   60
Philip Peter Dhiel .............  255  |  Henry Landz ...............  190 
Peter Joseph Wolf ..............  210  |  David Burgoyne ............  173
George Wolf ....................  180  |  Mark Burgoyne .............  360
George Himmelman ...............  510  |  Nicolaus Eisenhauer .......  410
Jacob Kraus ....................  360  |  Melcher Brum ..............  330
Peter Arenburg .................  356  |  Peter Gorckum .............  330
Albrecht Mausser ...............  210  |  Mary Barbara Metler .......   57
John Morash ....................  322  |  John Landz ................  130
Peter Kaulback .................   45  |  Unto Heirs of Daniel Hildz.  460
George Casper Brickbouer .......  300  |  John Andreas ..............   30
Henry Waner ....................   30  |  Conrad Wentzel ............  555
Leonard Jung ...................  155  |  James Darey ...............  275
Peter Leangille ................  110  |  Adam Hebb .................  380
Deodores Nau ...................   60  |  Heirs of Philip Jacob
Jacob Speidel ..................  170  |     Heisler ................  360
George Zwicker .................  264  |  Michael Keizzer ...........  110
James Sertie ...................   90  |  Michael Zeller ............   60
George Sharp ...................   75  |  John Lohnes, jun ..........   60
Lorendz Wentzel ................  225  |  Heirs of George Evalts ....  325
Martin Minich ..................   60  |  Cornwallis Morreau ........   30
Peter Zwicker, sen .............  330  |  Nicholaus Conrad ..........  724
Heirs of Adam Wambolt ..........  330  |  John Matthew Blystner .....  480
Frederick Lott .................  366  |  Richard Jacobs ............  300
John Wynacht ...................  140  |  Henry Kitchn ..............  330
John Arenburg ..................   90  |  Heirs of Frederick Otts ...  315
Frederick Rigolow ..............  165  |  John Seburger .............  110
Leonard Arenburg ...............   90  |  Jacob Getz ................   80
George Rimby ...................   15  |  Ludewick Spindler .........   60
Urvanus Heiner .................  415  |  Martin Wagner .............  330
Peter Zwicker, jun ............. 1140  |  Heirs of Jonathan Benny,Esq  345

Containing in the whole of said allotments and parcels of land seventy-one
thousand four hundred and six acres.  Situate lying and being within the
County of Lunenburg and comprehended within the limited hereinafter 
described, to wit:
   Beginning on the western side of the River La Have, at the first falls,
and at the upper bound of land granted Joseph Pernette, Esq.  Thence to
run north thirty-three degrees forty-five minutes west by the magnet, one
hundred and twenty chains (of four rods each.)  Thence south fifty-six
degrees west, four hundred and eighty chains.  Thence north thirty-four
degrees west, eight hundred chains.  Thence north fifty-six degrees east,
fourteen hundred and forth chains, or until a line produced south, 
thirty-three degrees forty-five minutes east, will come to the center 
of the first falls on Salmon River, being the old bounds between Lunenburg
and Chester, thence to be bounded by said line, and by said river, down 
stream and by the seashore of Mahone Bay running westward and southward 
round to La Have River aforesaid, and several courses of the said river
upstream to the bounds first mentioned, containing in the whole district
by estimation one hundred and eighty thousand acres more of less.

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Article of Indenture for Johann JUNG, wheelwright
Johannes JUNG 3, of Johann Leonardt and Anna Maria Elizabeth Zink, 
Zinck, b. 24 Dec., bapt. 27, Dec. 1779 S.P.   d. 3 Nov., bur. 6 Nov
1868 age 89 years, Wheelwright, Blockmaster, Inn Keeper, Merchant,
Lun. He lived Cornwall and Church Street's, Lunenburg, on A. Church Map. 

1796. This Indenture Made at Lunenburg in the Province of Nova Scotia this third day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninty Six, between Leonard JUNG of Lun. aforesaid, Yoeman, for and in behalf of his son Johnann JUNG, a Minor, of the First Part, and Andreas JUNG of the same place, Wheelwright of the other Part.
Witnesse that the said Leonard JUNG doth Put, Place and Bind his said son Johnann JUNG, Apprentice unto the said Andreas JUNG his Heirs and Assigns, to Learn the Art, Trade or Occupation of a Wheelwright, which the said Andreas JUNG now useth ? and with him as an Apprentice to Dwell, continue ? and serve until he arrives at the full age of Twenty-One years from thence next ensuring and fully to be complete and ende?; During all which Term the said Apprentice his said Master well and faithfully serve, his secrets keep, his lawful commands gladly do and obey, hurt to his master he shall not do, nor wilfully suffer to be done by others, but at the same to the utmost of his power shall forthwith give notice to his master; the Goods of his said master he shall not embezzel or waste, nor them lend, without his consent, to any. At cards, dice, or any other unlawful games, he shall not play, Taverns or Ale Houses he shall not frequent; Fornication he shall not commit, Matrimony he shall not contract; from the service of his said master he shall not at any time depart or absent himself without his said master's leave; but in all things, as a good and faithful apprentice, shall and will not demean and behave himself towards his said master, and all his during the said term.
And the said Master, Andreas JUNG, for himself, his heirs and assigns, doth hereby covenant, promise and agree with the said Leonard JUNG, for and in behalf of his son Johann JUNG, that the said apprentice, in the said trade, mastery or occupation of a wheelwright, which he now seekth, with all things thereunto belonging, shall and will Teach, Instruct or cause to be well and sufficiently taught and instructed, after the best way and manner he can, and shall and will also find and allow unto the said apprentice meat, drink, clothing, mending, washing and lodging, and all other necessaries fit and convenient for such an apprentice during his term aforesaid; and will also Teach him or cause him to be Taught to Read and Write in the German Language in the best manner he can, and Instruct or cause him to be Instructed in the Protestant Religion.
And at the end of his Term shall and will dismiss him, and give unto the said Apprentice a full New Suit of Clothes together with his old and usual wearing apparels. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto, interchangeably set their Hand and Seals the day and year above written. Signed and Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us, Nicholas Conradt and Frank Rudolph.
Andreas JUNG, Johann Leonardt JUNG and Johannes JUNG signed their Names and Seals.

(P.A.N.S. M. G. 4. Vol. 103. Canon Harris Notes Re. Young Family.)

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