A Digest of a Manuscript by C. Tharp


One family tradition stated "Taylors were three brothers, ship builders who came from Birmingham, England and settled in Delaware." quote from Gladys Keller.
Eva Daniels, a quote of:: "I have some printed sheets sent to me by Elizabeth Koleda in Prineville, Oregon about the Gaskill born in Burlington County, New Jersey, married to Beriah Taylor, son of Richard and Mary Taylor.


Beriah Taylor of Burlington County, New Jersey was married there to Keziah Gaskill on March 12, 1767.

The marriage record is found at the Archives and History Bureau, New Jersey State
Library in:
Early Marriages of Burlington County, New Jersey.
The first paragraph of the license found on page 204 reads:
"Know all men by there presents, That we Beriah Taylor and Daniel Glough both of Springfield in this county of Burlington Yeomen etc. etc.
-- second paragraph -- Keziah Gaskill of the same place spinster of the other party etc.--.

The family names as taken from the Beriah Taylor Bible

[Printer and Publisher by M. Carey & Son,
No. 121 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, Pa., 1817]

This Bible is presently in the possession of Arthur Longerbone

Children of Beriah Taylor and Keziah Gaskill:

Caleb Taylor born January 19, 1768
Sarah Taylor born November 23, 1769
Beulah Taylor born May 24, 1773
Beriah Taylor Jr. born June 18, 1775,
Jonathan Taylor born May 24, 1778
Charles Taylor born September 1, 1780
Keziah Taylor born February 1, 1783
Amy Taylor born April 1, 1785
Jacob Taylor born November 5, 1787
Samuel Taylor born November 12, 1790
Mary B. Taylor born April 9, 1792
Jonathan Taylor born March 6, 1796

The deaths recorded in the same Bible are as follows:

Keziah Taylor, wife of Beriah Taylor, died January 1, 1819
Jonathan Taylor departed this life in the year of our Lord 1781
Charles Taylor died in July 1781

Beriah Taylor's two land acquisitions and an "Inn"

The first was land Beriah Taylor purchased on January 16, 1799, forty-one acres from his brother-in-law Caleb Gaskill situated on the waters of the Little Redstone on the east side of the Monongahela River
On the southwest corner of Beriah's forty-one acres of land and lying by the roadway running north and south Beriah established an Inn.
It is felt that the Gaskills and Taylors had been there for at least ten years prior to Beriah 's purchase of land.
Beriah Taylor on April 16, 1817 purchased two unimproved lots, numbers eight and nine on the river bank south of the town of Freeport. (Fayette City Pa.)



It would seem that Jonathan Taylor lived with his parents at two locations in western Fayette County before his marriage. Jonathan was born at the the first location on March 6, 1796. This site is roughly 3 miles south of present day Fayette City and north northeast the same distance from Brownsville, both are river towns in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, further the site is about 2 miles east of the river.
On September 28, 1814 Beriah sold thirty nine acres to Jacob Bowman and keep one lot and Inn. It is not clear when Beriah moved his residence to Fayette City but the local history states that he operated a Tavern there which was first opened by Henry Calver, succeeded by McNab and then by Beriah Taylor. After Beriah, Thomas McCrory was proprietor and the establishment was long known as McCrory's Tavern. This Thomas McCrory married Beriah's grand daughter, Eliza Brown in 1819. Eliza was the daughter of Beulah, the third child of Beriah and Keziah. She had married Samuel Brown in 1791 about the time he last of the family left New Jersey. Suggesting that at least Beriah and his older sons, Caleb and Beriah Jr. had came to Fayette County earlier than Keziah and the remaining children. It is likely that Beriah's daughter, Mary B. born April the 9th, 1792 was his first child born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. It is interesting to note that Jonathan and his niece, Eliza Brown were the same age, born in 1796. The time of the families arrival in Fayette County, Pennsylvania is based on a number of observations. The brother of Keziah, Caleb Gaskill, who made his land purchase on May 16, 1793 was in the local census indicating that he was there in 1790. Others named in the same local census were again mentioned in the land records of 1793 and 1799. An Uriah Taylor was among those in the census residing near those named in the land deeds and he is believed to have been not Uriah but Beriah Taylor.
Jonathan was the last child born to Beriah and Keziah Taylor at which time Beriah was 52 years of age and Keziah an unbelievable 47 years of age. It would seem that Jonathan was born and reared on the acreage Beriah purchased from Caleb Gaskill. When his father purchased the two lots in a development south of the town called Freeport, they may have moved to the new location. That year 1817 his parents would have been considered quite old. Keziah died two years later at the age of 70 years. Beriah was then 75 years of age. It is felt her death occurred at Fayette City and it was during that period of Beriah's life that he operated a tavern in that town. There is some doubt that Beriah ever made any improvements on those lots as he bought them for one hundred dollars and sold them for one hundred and fifty dollars ten years later with no reference to improvements. He sold them to Samuel Gaskill, no doubt a blood relative to Keziah. Beriah had married and was living in Washington County, Pennsylvania when this transaction took place on January 30, 1827. His wife's name appearing on the Deed was Elizabeth. Beriah would have been eighty three at the time. It is assumed that Beriah did not live long after that date. There is no record of the Lot and Inn three miles south of Fayette City being sold. One might wonder if Jonathan remained at this location or was near his parents at Fayette City. At any rate Jonathan did not marry until he was nearly 28 years of age which would indicate he was not financially well off, one reason many men to put off marrying and starting a family. One might wonder if he was committed to caring for an elderly parent? I have no record of Jonathan owning land in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. I can only imagine that he farmed land belonging to someone else or hired out as a laborer. There was at that time a great demand for laborers as a result of the river traffic. The Monongahela River was an artery to Pittsburgh and the Ohio River Valley. A great amount of activity and business was connected with the rivers as they were the pathway to the western territory where unlimited opportunity and fertile lands awaited the pioneer and all with an adventurous spirit.
Jonathan Taylor and Mary Ann Phillips were married in western Pennsylvania most likely in the year 1823. No record exits of their marriage for most counties in Pennsylvania did not issue marriage licenses or register marriages until several years later, The marriage may have taken place in either Fayette County or Washington County as their were Phillips in both counties.

Children of Jonathan Taylor and Mary Phillips:

Francis Marion Taylor 1825-1909 m. Ellen King
Phillips Taylor 1827-1900 m. Sara Ann Bennet
Delelah Taylor 1830- m. Isaac Norris
Jonathan Taylor 1832-1911 m. Mary Ann Bennet
Sarah Taylor1836-1910 m. Thomas J. Graham
Caleb Taylor 1838 m
Richard M. Taylor m.
Ann Taylor m. Abraham Longerbone

The location of Jonathan and Mary'sresidence was first identified through statements in the obituaries of some of their children as follows. The first child, Francis Marion, was born September 29, 1825, at a place called Greenfield on the Monongahela River, about five miles from Brownsville in western Pennsylvania. He was sixteen when in 1841 the family moved to Ohio where he spent the rest of his life. The second child was Phillips born July 19, 1827 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. It is said when he was two years old his parents removed to Washington County, Pennsylvania and continued to reside there until 1841. In that year they came to Pickaway County, Ohio. The third child, Delelah, was born January 19, 1830. The fourth child, Jonathan Jr., was born October 7, 1832 and said to have been born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. His Obituary confirmed that they removed to Pickaway County, Ohio in about 1841. The fifth child was Sarah born March 3, 1836 at Brownsville, Washington County, Pennsylvania and moved to Pickaway County, Ohio in 1845. . It would seem that the family did live near Greenfield but east of the Monongahela River for several years then at a time when Phillips was to young to remember exactly when the family moved to Washington County. It may have been the move was only across the river, it being the dividing line between the two counties. Greenfield and Brownsville are both on the Monongahela River About five miles downstream from Brownsville, Fayette County, Pennsylvania a sharply curved bend in the shape of a "U" is present in the course of the river. This bend is called Greenfield Bend, the town of Greenfield lay on the west bank in Washington County near the bottom of the bend. This site is today called Coal Center. Up stream very near Coal Center is a town called California encompassing the river town, Phillipsburg, all forming a continuous community today. Across the river from Coal Center is Newell, Fayette County, Pennsylvania. It was near or in this bend that Jonathan Taylor and family lived for several years. In Washington County less that one mile away from the river were several families by the name of Phillips and Durval. Durval is a name linked to the Taylors and Phillips by marriage. Many more families with these names lived in the area both north and south at a somewhat greater distance, both names were very common there. A sixth child, Caleb, was born to Jonathan and Mary on June 8, 1838 the last of their children born at this location. Phillips Taylor could recall a time when he ice skated on the river, say 1835-1841. Phillips' reminiscing further was related by Gladys Keller stating that when the family moved in 1841 he and his brother, Jonathan, walked from Portsmouth, a river town on the Ohio River, through Chillicothe to the new home in Pickaway County, Ohio. Their ages would have been near 14 and 9 years and the distance walked about 65 miles. The course being north along the Sciota River to the mouth of Deer Creek, north of Chillicothe, and up Deer Creek to the home site below present day Mt. Sterling. In the mind of the youthful Phillips the walk was a personal achievement greater than the voyage up the Monongahela River and down the Ohio River. It is likely the walk was much more exhausting. Jonathan was forty five years of age when he established residence in Pickaway County, Ohio. A son, Richard M. Taylor was born to Jonathan and Mary on September 4, 1842 and a daughter, Ann, born on November 25, 1845. The mother then 45 years of age lived another 24 years. Mary (Phillips) Taylor passed away on December 30, 1869 according to the death record in the Office of Probate Court, Pickaway County Court House, Circleville, Ohio. Jonathan lived a very long life passing away on March 5, 1882. Their burials were in the Yankeetown Cemetery where Mary's stone reads 1868, which is thought to be an error. She was 69 years, 1 month and 22 days of age. One additional that was supplied by Gladys Keller is that the church site where the Yankeetown Church was moved many many years ago was land donated to the church by Jonathan Taylor Jr.. Throughout his life he remained in the area below Mt. Sterling near the original family settlement.
Jonathan Jr.'s children from the 1880 census were:
Rebecca A. age 20 yrs., William C. age 18 years, Mary age 16 years, Oda age 14 years, Callie age 10 years, Luara age 12 years, Ellis age 8 years, Grant age 5 years and Thomas age 1 year.

Children of Ann Taylor and Abraham Longerbone:

Viola Longerbone 1875-1940 m. Adolphus P. Tharp
Mary A. Longerbone 1877-1959 m. George Shauver
Carrie Longerbone 1880-1974 m. Samuel Curts
Etta Longerbone 1883 m. Jesse Ray m. 2rd. Charles Renner
William Longerbone1887-1970 m. Pearl Irene (Boise)
Omer Longerbone 1890-1981 m. Grace Leora Beebe

Mary Phillips Taylor

Mary Phillips Taylor's, Phillips - Druvall, relation were in a letter written to Francis Marion Taylor in the year 1852. I believe Isaac Newton Durvall, the aurther of the letter, was a cousin to Francis M. Taylor, that their mothers were sisters, He wrote, "Uncle Sol had gotten a letter from you etc.- and grandmother is alive. She has been quite daundy. (mother of Mary Phillips alive in 1852) Within a year all two my father and mother died. Father married Aunt Saly Phillips and both Sally and another Sally Zachman and John Crow."
There was a Melinda to see him from Pittsburgh and a Sharlatte who had given birth to a son.
Isaac N. Durvall lived right on the road from Pittsburgh to Chicago through Salem, Canton and Wooster, eighty miles out from Pittsburgh.

I believe his home was in Stark County near present day Alliance, Ohio. There is a Mt. Union College in thhis place and Isaac directed Francis to direct (address) his letters to Mt. Union, Stark County, Ohio. (cet)
In 1810 a Henry Phillips lived very near Beriah Taylor with daughters within the age Mary would have been in the census. In the 1820 census, near by was a Benj. Phillips but no twenty year old daughter is listed, if Mary belonged in this family she was not residing within the family group.

Last update 9-24-97

Cecil E. Tharp

WebMaster Cecil E. Tharp

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