Petz and Oddballz at Hanauma Bay

Hanauma Bay

Hanauma Bay is a wildlife sanctuary. Visitors may look at the creatures that live among the reefs, but no one is allowed to go fishing or harm any animals. Since they are protected, the fish are abundant and friendly. It is possible to swim right up to them to have a good look.

Here are our Petz and Oddballz going snorkeling at Hanauma Bay. No, the Norvil, and Hyper, the Dynaroo, are looking at a Humuhumu-nukunuku-apua'a (Triggerfish). Dioji, the Dogz, and MeowMeow, the Catz, are looking at a Lauwiliwili-nukunuku-oi'oi (Longnose Butterflyfish).

Oddballz Snorkeling Petz Snorkeling

Scaredy the Catz is living up to her name. She is terrified of the water. But Dioji, the Dogz, and Kisses, the Lips, are enjoying themselves.

Kisses Swimming Dioji Swimming Scaredy Swimming

The Petz and Oddballz continue in their journey around the island. The next stop is Sea Life Park.

The song playing is "Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini".