Please be advised that if you are currently using Provo Craft Graphics you are not in trouble! I will continue to use them on my personal pages- I will not offer them for use on your pages. If Provo sells ME a CD (which they have.....many times over!) I plan to use them for decorative purposes only. If they do not want people using them for personal websites, they should not sell them to the public. Don't email me and ask me if you are in trouble- I can promise you, you are not. If you do need to contact me, you can do so at this This will not tie up my families email program. Thanks!

January 27, 2000
Email from Melanie Jacobson

To Whom It May Concern,

It has been brought to my attention that you have images that are copyrighted by Provo Craft on your website. This is to notify you that the Provo Craft images on your website is an infringement of the copyright on our Clipart CDs and illegal. The images may not in anyway be printable or downloadable off of your website. You have 72 hours (3 Days) to remove these images from your website. If by that time you have not removed the Provo Craft Images from your website, we will be forced to take legal action. Please respond to this email immediately.

Thank you,

Robert Workman

So, Friends, if you are looking for something specific, feel free to email me and I will tell you what Provo CD you can get it off of.

After forwarding Ms. Jacobson an email that I received (from Melanie), I received this email on 04/11/00:
Dear Susan,

Thank you for your email. Please feel free to use our clipart on your website. We weclome(sic) and encourage people to use our images to enhance their websites. We only ask that you do not offer these for free downloading. Otherwise, I do not foresee any problems with you using our images.

Again, thank you and enjoy your CD.


Melanie Jacobson

Please, kind webfolk, tell me how one creates, uploads, and maintains a graphic that is not downloadable..... interesting!!!

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