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Well, Chinese Owls are a breed of fancy pigeons. They are medium sized birds that come in all assorted colors. Some examples of colors would be blue bar, blue check, barless, saddle, ash red self, ash red check, mealy bar, mealy grizzle, andelusion, splash ( or mottle), brown self, brown bar, brown check, dunn self, yellow, yellow check, almond, qu-almond, bald-headeded, tail marked, and of course AOC (any other color). They have a feather split in their chest, where the feathers seperate, a split around their neck, and another split around their feet. Due to this split around their feet they look like they have very short legs, in fact they have regular sized legs. I chose this breed because they are freindly, pretty, and easy to take care of. I definitly recomend this breed for new starters! At recent, my birds live in a "house" behind our shed about 15' long, 5' wide, and about 6' tall. half the roof is covered and the other half is open. The birds are in a common area where they can move about freely, but when i am mating up a pair or if they are laying they are kept in large rabbit cages with personal feeders and water.

Chinese owls usually lay two off white eggs with about a day between each egg.Both parents sit on the eggs. After about 18 days the eggs hatch and both parents feed into the crop of the young,a milky food that is very rich and fatty.It is produced both from the parent and the food they eat.Every day the food is fed with less "pigeon milk" and more seed. The young grow rapidly each day. After about three days the eyes start to open and the young start trying to move around the nest by themselves.After about 7-10 days you must band the right leg.You do this by holding the youngs leg and toe in your for-finger and thumb.Pull the hind toe up and slide the band across the toes and over the hind toe.Pull the hind toe down so that the band cannot slide off the leg.


Yes, Pigeons are wonderful easy pets to have. But of course, they need attention and time spent with them. I would advise that the first pair you get you not let out! Let it be Rollers, Tumblers, Highfliers, or even Fancies. The first pair you own was brougt up in most likely another city, town, state/province,or even country. Once comfertable in the new surroundings your pair will mate and start to build a nest. If they do not have a nest box they will simply find a spot on the floor, lay some grass down(you need to supply them with the grass. Pine needles work fine if you have no tall grass around), and get ready for the brood. As I said before Pigeons lay two off-white colored eggs,one layed and the next they lay the next day. You should waite until your first brood comes to let the young birds out. In the time beginning when the pair start to build a nest to the time the young birds are moved to another cote, you need to MAKE SURE YOUR BIRDS HAVE CLEAN WATER AND FRESH FOOD, AND A SANITARY COTE ! ! !

I started bringing my babies out about a day after they were opening their eyes, though only for about five minutes, until they were about half feathered and then I start bringing them out in a safe place and putting them down in between my legs with some seed. Day after day the same routine. I would gradually start getting up and walking further, making a whistling sound I had done since they were hatched.(any sound that you can repeat to them for them to learn will work). The babies would follow me, not right behind but they liked to stay as close as they could. When they started to fly they would fly up on the roof and watch me. Sometime they would sit up ther until I brought the food out, then they came down. You should teach your young birds this because it is a good habit. If you dont feed the flying birds before you let them out they will be hungry. And they will learn that if you bring out the food it is time to come down and eat. If any of your birds ever do escape, you should stay away from the cage with a door open, and put soem food out. Most likely they will come back and eat a bit and go back into the cage. Soemtimes they will spend the night in a tree, but they will be back in the morning. One thing i hae to say is don't panic, and dont stay bye the cage. That will scare it off.

The other day, someone asked me if my birds were homing pigeons. I replied with, "Well all pigeons really are homing pigeons. They all have strong senses that bring them back to the place were they get food and housing." I said, "Some birds have races and they are better at it then others, mine do not race,but all pigeons can home. " Well thats the end of that story.


First you have to find a breeder. Call around to local feed and farm stores, bird stores, and even some pet stores . Ask if they know the name of any breeders in your area. If they do take the number. The next step is to call the breeder and get as much info on the birds as you can. Once you have decided on a breed that interests you, set an appointed date to go visit the cote of the birds. Keep learning about the care, breeding, housing, behavior, and other specifics about the birds. Explaine to the breeder what you are looking for in the birds (example: color, behavior, care, feeding, breeding, ect.) and ask if he/she has any tips for you or any recommendations.

Visit a few cotes of different or same breeds. Once you have decided on a breed and breeder, then you can purchase the birds. You want to purchase birds with bright, clean eyes, bright feathers without holes or discolerations, an alert curious presence, and a over-all healthy looking being. Once you have chosen your birds, take them home and place them in their new home. stay near them a bit the first couple days, amd try to make them comfertable. Talk softly and comferting. If you touch them at all, be very slow and gentle, and DON'T JERK BACK if the bird is going to peck at you. Keep your hand close, but don't keep pressing forward. I would recommend not letting adult flyers out the whole time youown them (if you perchased them elswhere). Only let your young fly, sense this is their home and they will return.

This is an Andilusion Chinese Owl. It's type ( the way it stands) is a little off. The birds head is supposed to be right above the balls of it's feet.

I highly recommend this breed to young starters. They are very well tempered (but cocks may peck when they are setting),very friendly,easy to manage,and are very inexpensive.


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