
I've decided to make a page on this topic. I feel
that this is a very important issue. As a woman
who has raised children, worked outside the home
full time and been a wife, it's not hard to imagine
depression of some form for most. This isn't to say
all have it so bad they cannot function, but that all
of us at some time, I feel, have suffered from some
form of depression, no matter the severity.
Society is finally starting to accept that it does
not mean a person is crazy. There was a time when
a person would keep it hidden for fear that
people would see it as a weakness. Yes, maybe
to some it is a weakness, but as a person who has
been treated for depression, I know it was my brain's
way of saying it needed a rest from the stress
in my life. When you are raising a family, working or
just life in general, we are so busy, we don't or won't
slow down. Our way of trying to stay in control.
I don't mean this to be a testimonial but in my case,
I always felt I had to be strong because
everyone needed me to be. No, I didn't break
down, but found myself continually crying over small things
and/or snapping, which was not my nature. Admitting that I
needed to talk things out was my starting point.
I had a habit of keeping things inside, not wanting to
make waves. This only created medical problems
in the form of ulcers. I now know that I
have to unload in a positve manner. If you
see any or all of the following, I hope you will
address this with your doctor.


According to the experts, if you have 4 or more of these
signs and they persist for more then 2
weeks, then you need to seek help.

1. Persistent feelings of "emptiness" or sadness

2. Feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless, and/or guilty.

3. Substance abuse.

4. Fatigue or loss of interest in ordinary activities,
including sex.

5. Change in eating and sleeping patterns
(too much OR too little).

6. Irritability, increased crying, anxiety and panic

7. Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making

8. Thoughts of suicide; suicide plans or attempts.

9. Persistent physical symptoms or pains that do not
respond to treatment.


Links that can help

For further Depression screening Online:

Are You Depressed?

The Depression Test

Goldberg Depression

You Are Not Alone

One of the most scary emotional experiences
a person will ever suffer during
their lifetime is to experience a form
of depression. Over 1 in 5 Americans
can expect to get some form of depression
in their lifetime. Over 1 in 20
Americans have a depressive disorder
every year. Depression is one of the
most common and most serious mental
health problems facing people today.

You Are Not to Blame

Many people still carry the misperception that depression
is a character flaw, a problem that
happens because you are weak. They say,
"Pull yourself up by your own
bootstraps!" and "You're just feeling
blue... You'll get over it."
Depression is not a character flaw,
nor is it simply feeling blue for a few your fault. It is a serious mood disorder which
affects a person's ability to function in every day
activities. It affects one's work, one's family,
and one's social life.

So What Does Cause It?

There are as many potential causes of depression as
there are people who suffer it.
Depression is most often experienced as a
depressed mood, which may sometimes be
related to some recent, notable event which
occurred in one's life.

While depression may be related to feelings of grief
after the loss of a loved one, those
feelings are natural. Depression caused by
medications or substance or alcohol abuse is
not typically recognized as a depressive episode.
Depression experienced after certain medical procedures
(such as post partum depression) is recognized, though.
Family history and genetics also play a part
in the greater likelihood of someone becoming depressed
in their lifetime. Increased stress and inadequate
coping mechanisms to deal with that stress
may also contribute to depression.

Some More Helpful Links

Depression FAQ's

Women and Depression

What Is Depression

Nat'l Foundation for Depressive Illnesses

Dealing With Depression

Psychology Information Online


Medications commonly Used!

Antidepressant Medications

Holistic Approach to Treating Depression

I do hope that this page will be a stepping stone
only to help you should you need some
online ideas. *I care!*

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Midi: Where there is Faith

Copyright © Chris Nicholson March 2000

All pages in this site ©Chrissy. All rights reserved.
As far as I know, all images not created by me on this site
are public domain. If you see one that's not, please let
me know and I will remove it immediately. It is most definitely
not my intention to misuse someone else's work :-)

More on this subject!

RAOK Causes

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