Breast is Best

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That breastmilk changes over the course of a feeding?

At the beginning of a feed the milk is known as foremilk and has a more watery consistency. This milk is high in proteins and low in fat, helping her to grow and resist infection. As well, because of it's watery nature, it can satisfy a baby's thirst on a hot day. As the feeding progresses, the milk will change and flow less quickly. The milk will become creamier and contains more calories and fat. This is the milk that will help your baby become that chubby little person we all adore.

That breastmilk is climate sensitive?

Studies have shown that the breastmilk of mothers in the Arctic have a higher fat content to help their babies gain the weight needed to keep them warm, while the mothers of the Tropics produce more of the watery foremilk to satisfy their infants' need for water.

That the first milk, known as colostrum, is high in protein, minerals, and vitamins, and low in fat which makes it easier for the baby to digest.

It acts as a laxative which helps the baby to clear the meconium (the first stools), and thereby avoid the development of jaundice.

There are also a number of benefits to both mother and child. Don't forget to check them out!

While formula companies have worked hard to imitate properties of breastmilk, at best, it is an incomplete copy.
(Acknowledgement to Francie Hickmont, Mother Mates)

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E-Mail: Breast Is Best

Created by Ana Tirolese, R.G.D. E-mail: Ana Tirolese
Last update: November25, 1999

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