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The song is My Heart Sings by Bruce deBoer


But as for me, by Your abundant lovingkindness
I will enter Your house,
At Your holy temple I will bow in reverence for You.
O LORD, lead me in Your righteousness because of my foes;
Make Your way straight before me.
Psalm 5:7-8

~~Refresh to see a new quote from the Stillsons~~

Thanking God for the Life of Jane Stillson

Do right and fear not.

Jane E. Stillson
June 15, 1965 - Feb. 11, 1999

Jane E. Stillson, 33, of Plymouth, Indiana went home to be with her Lord, Thursday, Feb. 11, 1999, at 5:30 a.m. in Saint Joseph's Regional Medical Center, Plymouth, after a courageous two-year battle with breast cancer.

Born on June 15, 1965, in St. Joseph County, South Bend, she was the daughter of Eugene R. and Mary R. Sieg of Plymouth. Raised in Bremen, she graduated from Bremen High School in 1983 as class valedictorian, and was active in athletics, especially tennis and volleyball.

On December 17, 1988, in Bremen, she married Tod A Stillson, M.D., her high school sweetheart. Jane had lived in Plymouth for two years, coming here from Rocky Mount, Virginia.

A 1989 graduate of Purdue University with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, Jane was a clinical pharmacist with the Indiana University Medical Center in Indianapolis, and Director of Clinical Pharmacy with Carilion Health Systems in Roanoke, Va.

Love one another.

Jane was a courageous example of faith to her family and all who knew her. A devoted mother, she made perhaps the ultimate sacrifice when, after learning that giving birth to her daughter would threaten her life, she made the only decision her strong beliefs would allow. As a devoted homemaker, her children and family were the loves of her life. She had wanted to visit Disney World with her children, and last week was able to realize that dream. Jane's strong faith and relationship with her Lord gave her the courage and strength to endure the ravages of her disease. She lived her life with optimism and gratitude.

Thy will be done.

She was a member of Crossroads Evangelical Free Church, the American Society of Clinical Pharmacists, the Christian Pharmacy Society, and directed a Ministry of Married Life in Roanoke, Va.

In addition to her husband, Jane is also survived by her two children, John Eugene, born December 7, 1995, and Jessica Jane, born May 22, 1997; her parents; three sisters and their husbands: Julie and Mark Gibbs of West Lafayette, Ind., Janice and Perry Pruitt of Noblesville, Ind., and Jonella and John Black of Evanston, Ill.; and one brother and his wife, Daniel and Judy Sieg of Georgetown, Ind. Other survivors are her in-laws, John and Sue Reaker of Elkhart, and Mike and Barb Stillson of Bremen; and her sister-in-law and her husband, Tia and Joe Bennett of Wakarusa, Ind. She was preceded in death by her grandparents.

Remember thy Creator.

Friends may visit with the family to celebrate her life from 2 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 13, in the Johnson-Danielson Funeral Home, 1100 N. Michigan St., Plymouth.

Funeral services will be held on Sunday, Feb. 14, at 2 p.m. at Plymouth Wesleyan Church, 11203 South Michigan Road, Plymouth, conducted by Pastor Bill Walder of the Crossroads Evangelical Free Church and Fr. Anthony Gillespie of St. Michael's Catholic Church. Burial will follow in New Oakhill Cemetery, Plymouth.

Memorial gifts in Jane's name may be made to the Bremen High School Dollars for Scholars or to the Women's Care Center of Plymouth.

Born: Thursday, May 22, 1997
4 pounds 11 ounces

Every baby is a gift from God.--Tod Stillson

Christmas of 1996, Drs. Tod and Jane Stillson gave their Bremen families a gift of life: an announcement that Jane was pregnant with their second child. Just days into 1997, the sweethearts of Bremen High School's class of 1983 learned that Jane had breast cancer and in order for her to survive they had to abort their unborn daughter.

"Abortion is not an option," father-to-be Tod was quoted to say. Jane, a doctor of pharmacy, was offended at the thought that they should "play God." She was going to give birth as God planned. "It wasn't even an agonizing decision," Tod said in April. "We believe that God is in control and he hasn't made a mistake," Tod said then, and repeats now. "Our Christian belief is that abortion is wrong in God's sight. It wasn't a mistake that Jane was pregnant. And it wasn't a mistake that she has breast cancer. We are going to trust Him..."

Thus began the courageous journey of Jane's pregnancy and cancer. "God has his promises," Jane said. "He's never forsaken his people."

On May 22, Jane and Tod, each 32, and their 18-month-old firstborn, John, welcomed tiny Jessica Jane into the world. Within days after the birth, Jane had a bone-marrow transplant.

“Those weeks in the hospital during the transplant were the hardest thing I’ve ever dealt with,” Jane says. “I was broken — physically, mentally, emotionally. I had an 18-month-old and a newborn at home. I couldn’t watch their almost daily development. I couldn’t hear Jessica’s cooing and John’s ‘talking.’ I couldn’t hold them or kiss them.”

A few weeks after the birth, in yet another example of faith, the Stillsons moved--sight unseen--to their new home in Plymouth, a house that Jane and Tod's mothers had selected. Jane's parents bought a home in the same neighborhood in order to be near their daughter.

“We’re hanging on to Him,” Tod says. “It’s glorious and wonderful. It’s painful and hard. He’s taken us places that you wouldn’t go in your own human self; to see what can happen when He takes you there is great. I hope and pray and continue to intercede on Jane’s behalf that He’s going to be merciful and keep Jane alive a long time. For me, selfishly. For our children, selfishly. We want so much for our children to know Jane, to remember her.”

"When we found the cancer had spread to the bones, that was a very big blow," Jane said. "They medically can't cure me. That was the biggest let down, but I'm not depressed. The Lord has been my strength."

Jane spent most of her days focusing on her children. She also wrote in her diary and recorded the children’s special events on a calendar, hoping to preserve her role in their early years. Photos of past family times and the video camera were always handy and, as her condition takes its probable course, she wrote letters and tape record messages to her children for events later in their lives.

The Stillson's story is known throughout the country. Her ordeal had been chronicled in newspaper and television reports and in a cover story in Focus on the Family magazine. The couple received cards, letters, and email from thousands of people, and had been placed on prayer lists across the nation, news reports said.

"She was a living example of biblical faith, choosing to daily trust the Lord to meet all of her needs," Tod wrote in an email message to friends. "She was a great woman who was willing to give up her own life for our child." In addition to her husband and daughter, Jane is survived by her 4-year-old son.

I close this tribute with a quote from a good friend:

"What an incredible love she had for Jessica. In a day when women routinely kill their babies because they feel inconvenienced, Jane gave her life so that her daughter might live. I can't help but stop and think of her today, before her Father. She's gaining GREAT reward in His presence today. I also think of Jessica, and the legacy she already has. The letter by her father to our local radio station quoted, "Greater love hath no man than this..." how true. Jane followed the footsteps of Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. She understood.. she fixed her eyes on Him, and for the joy set before her, she endured the cross...."

Love that Knows No Bounds
By Rich Mullins

Deep calls to deep
And all that we need
Has been lost in what we've found
And all we shall be
Is growing by leaps
In a love that knows no bounds

And we will rise on spirit wings
When we wake from earthen dreams

Time ticks away
Night after day
'Til the clock comes unwound
With all we shall be
Still growing by leaps
In a love that knows no bounds

And we will wake from earthen dreams
To rise on spirit wings

(I can see pictures in the sky)

From Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Related Links

The Baby That Cancer Threatened Is Born - She arrived at 8:40 a.m. Thursday. Another tiny baby in a big, busy world. Born to neither riches nor royalty, the arrival of Jessica Jane Stillson nonetheless made the evening news.

In the Valley of the Shadow - Facing death, a couple clings to faith, from Focus on the Family.

Love that Knows No Bounds - Lyrics and sound clip available here at "Calling Our Your Name."

Religion Today News Summary - A woman has given her life for her baby (a little over 1/2 way down the page.)

Southbend Tribune - The obituary printed above.

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This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land He swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20

March 2, 1999

Dear Friends,
“Well done, good and faithful servant!” I believe those were the words that Jane heard when her spirit entered into eternal rest with God in heaven. Just like the faithful servants in the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, Jane was faithful with what had been entrusted to her--using her life and resources to multiply the heavenly blessings bestowed upon her. Her death on February 11th was not a disappointing culmination of someone fighting to avoid that which had no power over her(death). Rather it was the faithful completion of the race that God had ordained and directed. There is pain in the loss of someone so dear to me and the children, yet there is joy in knowing that Jane was truly a faithful servant to the end. Choosing to endure hardship, pain, suffering, and even death without a complaint or regret. She trusted God, selecting obedience to Him and His word as higher priorities than the self-life. She knew what it meant to die to self, and to live for Christ. Praise the Lord.

Wow! What a blessing! Those are thoughts that come to mind as I reflect back on the viewing, funeral, memorial service in Virginia, and the broad media coverage of Jane’s death. The kids, myself, and our family have felt incredible love and support from family, friends, the body of Christ (all over the world), employers, and the many communities in Northern Indiana and Southwest Virginia. Thank you for helping us carry this load, you have been essential in helping us get through it. The ripples of Jane’s life and death continue to move out across the world causing many to think more deeply of spiritual matters, and causing others to come to faith in Christ. Thanks be to God.

The kids have adapted well to Jane’s absence as we had prepared them for the possibility. John, my three-year-old, I believe truly understands what has transpired. But it is harder to know what Jessica, the twenty-month-old, comprehends. One thing that has made things much much easier is the heavy involvement of their grandparents. Both my mother and Jane’s mother are committed to caring for the children while I am at work, and other times as necessary. The children are used to their care as they were around all the time to help Jane out. This awesome commitment to love, personal sacrifice, and care is humbling--once again modeling Christ-like behavior.

I have been doing well through it all, as God has given me the strength and grace I need for each day. In some regards, things haven’t changed that much as I continue to live in daily dependence on God and His mercy--much like the Israelites who depended on heavenly manna while they were in the desert. There are definitely times of loneliness and pain, however God is providing the healing balm that is necessary for my vulnerable, broken heart. I have returned to full work duties and continue be involved in my church and community in order to make a difference for Christ.

As you think of our family, please remember the following prayer requests:

  1. Pray for God to continue heal me physically and emotionally from the loss of Jane.
  2. Pray for the kids to adapt well to Jane’s death.
  3. Pray for all of us to remain dependent upon the Lord as we learn to trust Him in a deeper way each day.
  4. Pray for the grandmothers to effectively join with me in parenting the children.
  5. Pray for Jane’s legacy of love, faith, hope, joy, and peace to be stored away in the children’s hearts.
  6. Pray for Jane’s witness to continue to draw people to the Lord.

Love in Christ,
Todd, John, and Jessica Stillson

Lady Dj's Graphics
(I regret that Lady Dj's Graphics is closed.)

Original Midis by Bruce deBoer

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