"This is either madness or brilliance," -- Will Turner
"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide." -- Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean

Photo Album
The Board
Bedtime Stories

Once upon a time there was a group of guys and gals who happened to be thrown together... by fate, by luck, or by God (only time will tell). In the city of Tulsa... in the center of the spiritual bubble called Oral Roberts University... this group was a group set apart. This group was the Honors Program.

Of course, this story is not finished yet. Remember, Dr. Korstad would be proud...

There's lots to enjoy here. The Photo Album has some great pictures, capturing the essence of the Honors Program. There's The Board, where you can leave your messages to others. If you are online with other wonderful people, then you can go to the Chat and have some fun there. And don't forget to play some fun Games too, while you're at it!

Web Design by Charlotte Wenzel - ©2004.