Kara's Korner

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Welcome to my GeoCities web page!

Hi! My name is Kara Jones Koehler, and I have been researching my family for the past few years. On the following pages, you will find information and pictures on the Cohen,   GaskinsSewell/Sowell , Swersky, Stowe, and Wroton sides.   I am continually looking for any information on any of the surnames in my file.

I have also added a page with copies of written depositions from 1806 showing that Isaac Sowell did not desert from the Revolutionary War. Check it out! Also I have added copies of court documents concerning Mary Quimby Sewell. I owe many, many thanks to Mrs. Robbie Moye for her generosity in sharing her many years of research with me. Thanks so much, Robbie!!

I hope this information can help someone out there, and in return I hope someone out there can help me further my research!




Copyright Feb 1999, The Koehl-Mine Computer Consulting
Last Updated 03/09/01