What a Wretched Life

Why am i here? why am i here?
Why is life so hard? why is living so detestable?
why do i hurt inside? why do i feel so alone?
Is all these really true?
Hear my soul, hear...
Don't you hear the Saviour's voice calling?
Come, come to me my lamb for I do really love you
Can't you just cast your cares on me for I am waiting?
Please, this so many a times I have pleaded with you 
so why don't you yield to me with whole-heartedness?
There I see you with your face still turned away,
so absorbed in the doings of the world,
why why why don't you my child turn to me
why can't you just trust me for I won't fail you
I am the Perfecter of faith but you are the subject,
don't you see that my child?
People will fail you,
People will let you down,
People will accuse you,
People will do all things to bring you down,
but I will raise you with new strength and love, 
if only you will turn you heart to me.
I love you my beloved child, I really do.
If only you could grasp that love, 
and know that no matter what you do,
I still love you all the same
I will love you forever because you are my child
Don't let your thoughts get you down,
but turn your heart to me.
I love you and I will wait for you to come back to me.

Luke 15:20
So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way
off,his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran 
to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

By Christin 
Written on 19/1/98

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