The New England Burgess Family

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During the early 1630's Burgesses settled in Virginia and Plymouth Colony. William Burgess went to Virginia and Thomas Burgess went to Massachusetts.As far as I can determine there has been no link between the two families established. Rumor has both families from Truro, Cornwall, England but I have not found any documented information on that except hearsay.

So who were the New Burgesses? Most New England Burgess' trace their family back to Thomas and Dorothy Burgess who arrived around 1630 in Massachusetts. Want to know more about them?

Who Were They?

Search here for family members. This is an attempt to combine information from many people. If you find any additions or clarifications, please let me know.

Family Tree

If  you are stuck on one person or are just looking for further information, this is the place for your queries.


Look here for researchers searching for the same line. The more people who help each other the more information that will be available. I am trying to set this up by the children of Thomas  and Dorothy Burgess.

Burgess Researchers

There are many people researching the William Burgess family from the South.  Here is a list of researchers for there.

Southern Researchers

Many of us own books about the Burgess family.  If you are willing to do look ups please place your book in this section.  If you need a lookup please check here.

Books we Own


This section is for Burgess Homepages. Check it out. Add one if you know one.

Burgess Homepages

This section has to do with either genealogy stuff or New England.   If you know of a site that helps to make researching easier add it.

Other Stuff

I hope this site helps with your quest for information on New England Burgesses.  If there is something that you want to see or think should be here please let me know.  All comments, suggestions and gentle remarks welcome.

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