Royal Lineage

* Ta-Thomondaz *

Tabor, Ursula (b.1547)

Tagliavia-Aragona, Princess Giovanna of (b.9/12/1619)

Talbois, Anne (b.1529)

Talbois, George (b.1499)

Talbot, Lady Anne of (b.1389)

Talbot, Lord Gilbert III of (b.1332)

Talbot, Lord Richard II of (b.1305)

Talbot, Lord Richard IV of (b.1361)

Tangermunde, Count Heinrich of (b.1175)

Tannberg, Princess Katharina of (b.1510)

Tanne, Duke Bertold of (b.1122)

Tanne, Duke Bertold of (b.1174)

Tanne, Duke Eberhard of (b.1096)

Tanne, Duke Eberhard of (b.1120)

Tanne, Duke Eberhard of (b.1142)

Tanne, Duke Eberhard I of (b.1175)

Tanne, Duke Friedrich of (b.1148)

Tanne, Duke Friedrich of (b.1170)

Tanne, Duke Heinrich of (b.1205)

Tanne, Duke Konrad of (b.1172)

Tanne, Duke Konrad of (b.1195)

Tanne, Duke Peregrin of (b.1173)

Tanne, Duke Ulrich of (b.1145)

Tanne, Princess Willibirg of (b.1206)

Tannroda, Count Mangold of (b.1171)

Tannrode, Count Erkenbert of (b.1335)

Tannrode, Count Konrad of (b.1302)

Tannrode, Count Konrad of (b.1329)

Tannrode, Princess Katharina of (b.1331)

Tarent, Prince Giovanni Count of (b.1455)

Tarente, Duke Charles of (b.1361)

Tarente, Duke Karl of (b.1362)

Tascher, Josephine (b.1763)

Tattenbach, Count Gotthard of (b.1577)

Tattenbach, Count Hans of (b.1512)

Tattenbach, Count Hans of (b.1574)

Tattenbach, Count Sigmund of (b.1540)

Tattenbach, Princess Judith of (b.1602)

Tattenbach-Geilsdorf, Princess Johanna of (b.3/13/1675)

Tause, Earl Thore of (b.885)

Tause, Princess Bergljot of (b.914)

Tautenburg, Princess Margarethe of (b.1475)

Tavistock, Marchioness Elizabeth Keppel of

Tavistock, Marquis Francis Russell of (b.1739)

Taxis, Duke Franciscus of (b.1521)

Taxis, Duke Leonardo of (b.1521)

Taxis, Duke Lamoral I of (b.1557)

Taxis, Duke Johann of (b.1530)

Taxis, Duke Johann of (b.1566)

Taxis, Duke Johann of (b.1591)

Taxis, Duke Ludwig of (b.1520)

Taxis, Duke Raimund of (b.1515)

Taxis, Duke Rogerius of (b.1513)

Taxis, Princess Adelheid of (b.1525)

Taxis, Princess Allegra of (b.1529)

Taxis, Princess Genoveva of

Taxis, Princess Leonora of (b.1587)

Taxis, Princess Margarethe of (b.1528)

Taxis, Princess Maria of (b.1518)

Taxis, Princess Regina of (b.1517)

Taxis, Princess Ursala of (b.1519)

Taylor, Alice (b.1650)

Taylor, Elizabeth (b.1625)

Teano, Count Philipp of (b.1263)

Teck, Duke Adalbert I of (b.1142)

Teck, Duke Adlabert II of (b.1165)

Teck, Duke Adolphus II of (b.8/13/1868)

Teck, Duke Franz of (b.8/27/1837

Teck, Prince Franz of (b.1/9/1870)

Teck, Duke Friedrich I of (b.1287)

Teck, Duke Friedrich II of (b.1287)

Teck, Duke Friedrich III of (b.1325)

Teck, Duke Friedrich IV of (b.1370)

Teck, Duke Georg of (b.1368)

Teck, Duke Heinrich of (b.1200)

Teck, Duke Hermann of (b.1234)

Teck, Duke Hermann I of (b.1260)

Teck, Duke Hermann III of (b.1311)

Teck, Duke Konrad I of (b.1195)

Teck, Duke Konrad III of (b.1282)

Teck, Duke Konrad V of (b.5/5/1361)

Teck, Duke Ludwig I of (b.1225)

Teck, Duke Ludwig II of (b.1250)

Teck, Duke Ludwig III of (b.1285)

Teck, Duke Ludwig V of (b.1284)

Teck, Duke Simon I of (b.1289)

Teck, Duke Simon III of (b.1372)

Teck, Duke Simon IV of (b.1373)

Teck, Duke Ulrich I of (b.1375)

Teck, King Konrad V of (b.1235)

Teck, Princess Agatha of (b.1162)

Teck, Princess Agnes of (b.1228)

Teck, Princess Agnes of (b.1257)

Teck, Princess Agnes of (b.1310)

Teck, Princess Agnes of (b.1320)

Teck, Princess Agnes of (b.1365)

Teck, Princess Anna of (b.1231)

Teck, Princess Beatrix of (b.1289)

Teck, Princess Beatrix of (b.1313)

Teck, Princess Bertha of (b.1284)

Teck, Princess Claudine of (b.2/11/1836)

Teck, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1374)

Teck, Princess Guda of (b.1364)

Teck, Princess Irmela of (b.1371)

Teck, Princess Irmgard of (b.1318)

Teck, Princess Margarethe of (b.1363)

Teck, Princess Mary of (b.5/26/1867)

Teck, Princess Uta of (b.1323)

Teck-Oberndorf, Duke Hermann II of (b.1282)

Tecklenburg, Count Konrad of (1489)

Tecklenburg, Count Nikolaus II of (b.1370)

Tecklenburg, Count Nikolaus III of (b.1441)

Tecklenburg, Count Nikolaus VI of (b.1469)

Tecklenburg, Count Nikolaus of (b.1490)

Tecklenburg, Count Otto VI of (b.1340)

Tecklenburg, Count Otto VII of (b.1397)

Tecklenburg, Count Otto VIII of (b.1467)

Tecklenburg, Count Otto of (b.1491)

Tecklenburg, Count Wilhelm of (b.1493)

Tecklenburg, Princess Adelheid of (b.1394)

Tecklenburg, Princess Adelheid of (b.1435)

Tecklenburg, Princess Amalie of (b.1472)

Tecklenburg, Princess Anna of (b.1500)

Tecklenburg, Princess Anna of (b.7/5/1532)

Tecklenburg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1232)

Tecklenburg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1470)

Tecklenburg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1494)

Tecklenburg, Princess Hedwig of (b.1374)

Tecklenburg, Princess Irmgard of (b.1496)

Tecklenburg, Princess Jakobea of (b.1497)

Tecklenburg, Princess Katharina of (b.1498)

Tecklenburg, Princess Margareta of (b.1499)

Tecklenburg, Princess Oda of (b.1178)

Tecklenburg, Princess Richeza of (b.1343)

Tegaingl, Lord Edwin of (b.1037)

Tegaingl, Lord Gronw of (b.1063)

Tegaingl, Princess Angharad of (b.1069)

Telniczanka, Katarzyna (b.1481)

Temple, Earl Edwin of (b.1035)

Tendring, Lady Alice (b.1375)

Tendring, Sir William (b.1349)

Tengen, Princess Anna of (b.1390)

Tengen-Nellenburg, Count Christoph of (b.1493)

Tengen-Nellenburg, Count Eberhard VIII of (b.1467)

Tengen-Nellenburg, Count Johann IV of (b.1433)

Tengen-Nellenburg, Princess Barbara of (b.1469)

Tengen-Nellenburg, Princess Maria of (b.1520)

Terregles, Lady Margaret Maxwell of (b.1554)

Terregles, Lady Mary Maxwell of (b.1557)

Terregles, Lord John Maxwell of (b.1521)

Terrington, Lady Gilla of (b.1244)

Terrington, Lady Gilla of (b.1267)

Terrington, Sir William of (b.1241)

Tettowa, Count Christoph of (b.1515)

Tettowa, Count Dlask of (b.1484)

Tettowa, Count Friedrich of (b.1513)

Tettowa, Count Georg of (b.1463)

Tettowa, Count Georg fo (b.1511)

Tettowa, Count Hans of (b.1458)

Tettowa, Count Johann of (b.1421)

Tettowa, Count Johann of (b.1487)

Tettowa, Count Wenzel of (b.1455)

Tewksbury, Baron Henry Capell of (b.1632)

Thamsbruck, Duke Ludwig of

Thanning, Princess Adelheid of (b.1088)

Theray, Lady Agatha of (b.1125)

Therouanne, Bishop Antoine of (b.1474)

Therouanne, Bishop Charles of (b.1509)

Thessalonia, King Bonifacius I of (b.1150)

Thessalonia, King Louis of (b.1297)

Thessalonia, King Philipp I of (b.1256)

Thessalonia, King Rainer of (b.1158)

Thessalonia, Princess Eleonora of (b.1154)

Thiennes, Princess Eleonore of (b.1512)

Thiers, Count Guillaume of (b.1048)

Thiers-Chalons, Count Guillaume I of (b.1111)

Thiers-Chalons, Count Guillaume II of (b.1146)

Thiers-Chalons, Count Guy of (b.1072)

Thiers-Chalons, Princess Beatrix of (b.1170)

Thjotta, Count Njal of (b.1004)

Thjotta, Earl Einar of (b.1073)

Thjotta, Earl Fin of (b.967)

Thjotta, Earl Harek of (b.1000)

Thjotta, Princess Ragnhild of (b.1048)

Thomond, Earl Conchobhar O'Brien III of (b.1535)

Thomond, King Brian of (b.1224)

Thomond, King Brian of (b.1362)

Thomond, King Cennetig of (b.889)

Thomond, King Conchobar of (b.1112)

Thomond, King Conchobar of (b.1176)

Thomond, King Conchobar of (b.1201)

Thomond, King Conchobar of (b.1360)

Thomond, King Conchobar of (b.1419)

Thomond, King Diarmaid of (b.1285)

Thomond, King Donnchad of (b.1182)

Thomond, King Donnchad of (b.1287)

Thomond, King Lachtnae of (b.821)

Thomond, King Lorcan of (b.856)

Thomond, King Mathghamhain of (b.1343)

Thomond, King Mathghamhain of (b.1379)

Thomond, King Muirchertach of (b.1179)

Thomond, King Muirchertach of (b.1289)

Thomond, King Murchadh of (b.1497)

Thomond, King Tadhg of (b.1385)

Thomond, King Tadhg of (b.1416)

Thomond, King Tedg of (b.1227)

Thomond, King Toirdhealbhach of (b.1336)

Thomond, King Toirdhealbhach of (b.1389)

Thomond, King Toirdhealbhach of (b.1426)

Thomond, King Toirdhealbhach of (b.1441)

Thomond, King Toirrdelbach of (b.1117)

Thomond, King Toirrdelbach of (b.1257)

Thomand, Lady Margaret O'Brien of (b.1523)

Thomand, Lord Thomas of (b.1331)

Thomond, Prince Brian of (b.1159)

Thomond, Prince Brian of (b.1451)

Thomond, Prince Conchobar of (b.1292)

Thomand, Prince Connor of (b.1254)

Thomond, Prince Domnall of (b.1178)

Thomond, Prince Domnall of (b.1259)

Thomond, Prince Domnall of (b.1444)

Thomond, Prince Donnchadh of (b.1448)

Thomond, Prince Iohan of (b.1218)

Thomond, Prince Mathghamhain of (b.1428)

Thomond, Prince Muchadh of (b.1425)

Thomond, Prince Muirchertach of (b.1181)

Thomond, Prince Muirchertach of (b.1206)

Thomond, Prince Tadhg of (b.1339)

Thomond, Prince Toirdelbach of (b.1203)

Thomond, Princess Slaney of (b.1208)

Thomand, Princess Slaney of (b.1288)

Thomond, Sir Slaney O'Brien of (b.1526)

Thomond, Sir Tadhg O'Brien of (b.1527)

Thomond, Sir Torlogh O'Brien of (b.1523)

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