Royal Lineage

* Trautmansforffba-Tz *

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Adam of (b.1617)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Ernst of (b.1630)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Ferdinand of (b.1628)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Ferdinand of (b.1636)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Franz of (b.1632)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Georg of (b.8/22/1638)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Johann of (b.1/5/1619)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Karl of (b.1635)

Trautmansdorff-Weinsberg, Count Maximilian I of (b.1584)

Trautmansdorr-Weinsberg, Count Maximilian of (b.1633)

Trautson, Count Balthasar of (b.1541)

Trautson, Count Caspar of (b.1546)

Trautson, Count Hans of (b.1478)

Trautson, Count Johann of (b.1548)

Trautson, Count Sigmund III of (b.1471)

Trautson, Count Sixtus I of (b.1442)

Trautson, Count Valentin of (b.1468)

Trautson, Princess Anna of (b.1507)

Trautson, Princess Barbara of (b.1506)

Trautson, Princess Clara of (b.1543)

Trautson, Princess Felicitas of (b.1514)

Trautson, Princess Katharina of (b.1473)

Trautson, Princess Katharina of (b.1510)

Trautson, Princess Leonor of (b.1511)

Trautson, Princess Margaretha of (b.1513)

Trautson, Princess Maria Josepha of (b.8/26/1724)

Trautson, Princess Maria Margaretha of (b.7/11/1643)

Trautson-Falkenstein, Count Franz of (b.1/30/1640)

Trautson-Falkenstein, Count Johann of (b.1509)

Trautson-Falkenstein, Count Johann of (b.1609)

Trautson-Falkenstein, Count Johann of (b.5/21/1659)

Trautson-Falkenstein, Count Paul Sixtus I of (b.1550)

Tremouille, Princess Marguerite of (b.1415)

Traungau, Count Berthold of (b.983)

Traungau, Count Meginhard I of (b.937)

Traungau, Count Ulrich I of (b.960)

Traverner, Martha (b.1579)

Traverner, Richard (b.1548)

Traves, Princess Pontia of (b.1108)

Trefgastell, Lord Goronwy of (b.1199)

Tremoille, Princess Louise of (b.1448)

Tremouille, Princess Charlotte of (b.1558)

Trier, Archbishop Arnold of (b.1213)

Trier, Archbishop Balduin of (b.1285)

Trier, Archbishop Bertholf of (b.843)

Trier, Archbishop Bruno of (b.1025)

Trier, Archbishop Cuno of (b.1316)

Trier, Archbishop Dietrich of (b.1188)

Trier, Archbishop Dietrich of (b.1260)

Trier, Archbishop Egbert of (b.953)

Trier, Archbishop Franz of (b.6/15/1682)

Trier, Archbishop Jacob of (b.6/6/1471)

Trier, Archbishop Johann of (b.6/14/1430)

Trier, Archbishop Karl of (b.11/24/1680)

Trier, Archbishop Poppo of (b.973)

Trier, Archbishop Ulrich of (b.1438)

Trier, Archbishop Uto of (b.1053)

Trier, Archbishop Werner of (b.1375)

Trier, Bishop Georg of (b.1432)

Trier, Bishop Grifo of (b.715)

Trier, Bishop Johann of (b.1323)

Trier, Bishop Konrad of (b.1437)

Trier, Bishop Leutwinus of (b.664)

Trier, Bishop Wilhelm of (b.1468)

Trier, Count Varinus of (b.629)

Trier, Princess Kunza of (b.635)

Trier, Princess Rotrud of (b.688)

Tripolis, Count Raimund II of (b.1109)

Tripolis, Count Raimund III of (b.1130)

Tripolis, Princess Agnes of (b.1132)

Tripolis, Princess Melicende of (b.1128)

Trowbrid, Baron Francis Seymour of

Troyes, Bishop Heinrich of (b.1108)

Troyes, Bishop Hugues of (b.1081)

Troyes, Bishop Manasses of (b.955)

Troyes, Duke Robert of

Troyes, Duke Theobald of

Truhendingen, Count Adalbert of (b.1171)

Truhendingen, Count Albert I of (b.1050)

Truhendingen, Count Albert II of (b.1077)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich I of (b.1106)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich II of (b.1137)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich III of (b.1168)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich IV of (b.1189)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich V of (b.1223)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich VI of (b.1252)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich VII of (b.1277)

Truhendingen, Count Friedrich VIII of (b.1302)

Truhendingen, Count Heinrich of (b.1299)

Truhendingen, Count Konrad of (b.1234)

Truhendingen, Count Ludwig of (b.1227)

Truhendingen, Count Otto of (b.1278)

Truhendingen, Count Ulrich of (b.1276)

Truhendingen, Count Ulrich of (b.1300)

Truhendingen, Princess Agnes of (b.1222)

Truhendingen, Princess Agnes of (b.1254)

Truhendingen, Princess Agnes of (b.1280)

Truhendingen, Princess Anna of (b.1298)

Truhendingen, Princess Anna of (b.1315)

Truhendingen, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1256)

Truhendingen, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1305)

Truhendingen, Princess Imagina of (b.1308)

Truhendingen, Princess Margareta of (b.1285)

Trudendingen, Princess Wilburg of (b.1230)

Trudendingen, Princess Margarete of (b.1265)

Trussell, Edward (b.1472)

Trussell, Elizabeth (b.1496)

Trussell, John (b.1499)

Tschammer, Margarete (b.1491)

Tschernigowski, Prince Bela of (b.1259)

Tschernigowski, Prince Dawid of (b.1059)

Tschernigowski, Prince Jaroslaw of (b.1139)

Tschernigowski, Prince Konstantin of (b.1257)

Tschernigowski, Prince Michail II of (b.1179)

Tschernigowski, Prince Michail of (b.1261)

Tschernigowski, Prince Mstislaw of (b.1157)

Tschernigowski, Prince Mstislaw of (b.1220)

Tschernigowski, Prince Oleg of (b.1064)

Tschernigowski, Prince Oleg of (b.1164)

Tschernigowski, Prince Rostislaw of (b.1225)

Tschernigowski, Prince Wladimir of (b.1159)

Tschernigowski, Princess Agrippina of (b.1264)

Tschernigowski, Princess Jewfrosinija of (b.1224)

Tschernigowski, Princess Kunguta of (b.1256)

Tschernigowski, Princess Marija of (b.1222)

Tschernigowski, Princess Rostislawna of (b.1262)

Tubingen, Count Hugo V of (b.1187)

Tubingen, Count Rudolf I of (b.1160)

Tubingen, Count Rudolf II of (b.1185)

Tubingen, Duke Anselm I of (b.939)

Tubingen, Duke Anselm II of (b.984)

Tubingen, Duke Friedrich of (b.1140)

Tubingen, Duke Heinrich of (b.1142)

Tubingen, Duke Hugo I of (b.960)

Tubingen, Duke Hugo II of (b.1002)

Tubingen, Duke Hugo III of (b.1033)

Tubingen, Duke Hugo IV of (b.1069)

Tubingen, Duke Hugo V of (b.1110)

Tubingen, Duke Hugo VI of (b.1136)

Tubingen, Duke Ludwig of (b.921)

Tubingen, Princess Agatha of (b.11/13/1533)

Tubingen, Princess Anna of (b.1360)

Tubingen, Princess Beatrix of (b.1289)

Tubingen, Princess Bertha of (b.1142)

Tubingen, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1434)

Tubingen, Princess Mathilde of (b.1210)

Tubingen-Asperg, Count Ulrich I of (b.1240)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Gottried I of (b.1257)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Gottfried II of (b.1275)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Gottfried III of (b.1319)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Heinrich of (b.1280)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Heinrich of (b.1321)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Rudolf IV of (b.1243)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Wilhelm II of (b.1278)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Count Wilhelm III of (b.1315)

Tubingen-Boblingen, Princess Agnes of (b.1281)

Tubingen-Giessen, Princess Heilwig of (b.1260)

Tubingen-Herrenberg, Count Rudolf III of (b.1244)

Tubingen-Horb, Count Hugo III of (b.1241)

Tubingen-Horb, Count Hugo IV of (b.1270)

Tubingen-Horb, Count Ludwig of (b.1267)

Tubingen-Horb, Count Otto of (b.1269)

Tubingen-Horb, Count Rudolf of (b.1265)

Tubingen-Horb, Princess Leutgard of (b.1309)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Georg I of (b.1433)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Georg II of (b.1483)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Heinrich of (b.1437)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Johann of (b.1435)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Konrad I of (b.1365)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Konrad II of (b.1404)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Konrad III of (b.1431)

Tubingen-Lichtenberg, Count Konrad V of (b.1487)

Tucker, Mary

Tudenham, Margaret (b.1389)

Tudor, Sir Meredudd

Tudor, Sir Owen (b.1400)

Tullibardine, Earl John Murray of (b.1547)

Tullibardine, Earl Patrick Murray III of (b.1575)

Tullibardine, Earl William Murray II of (b.1573)

Tullibardine, Lady Anne Murray of (b.1578)

Tullibardine, Lady Elizabeth Murray of (b.1584)

Tullibardine, Marquis John Murray of (b.5/6/1684)

Tullibardine, Marquis William Murray of (b.4/14/1689)

Tullibardine, Sir John Murray of (b.1565)

Tullibardine, Sir Robert Murray of (b.1570)

Turenne, Princess Mathilde of (b.1093)

Turin, Princess Adelais of (b.1023)

Turowski, Prince Boris of (b.1122)

Turowski, Prince Georgi of (b.1110)

Turowski, Prince Gleb of (b.1139)

Turowski, Prince Iwan of (b.1145)

Turowski, Prince Swjatopolk of (b.1137)

Turowski, Princess Anna of (b.1148)

Turowski, Princess Marfrid of (b.1146)

Tuscany, Duke Ferdinand III of (b.5/6/1769)

Tuscany, Marquis Boso of (b.885)

Tuscany, Princess Bertha of (b.906)

Tuscany, Princess Gisla of (b.909)

Tuscany, Princess Richilda of (b.906)

Tuscany, Princess Willa of (b.903)

Twerski, Duke Jaroslaw of (b.1228)

Twerski, Prince Alexander II of (b.1301)

Twerski, Prince Michael II of (b.1272)

Twerski, Princess Anastasia of (b.1306)

Twerski, Princess Juliana of (b.1334)

Tynemouth Castle, Governor Henry Villiers of

Tyrus, Archbishop Friedrich of (b.1122)

Tyrus, Prince Amalrich of (b.1273)

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