Royal Lineage

* Wchinisa-Werdz *

Webb, Frances (b.1778)

Webb, Francis (b.1749)

Wediswil, Princess Agnes of (b.1253)

Weigel, Agnes (b.1339)

Weikersheim, Count Heinrich of (b.1111)

Weikersheim, Count Konrad of (b.1109)

Weimar, Count Otto I of (b.897)

Weimar, Count Ulrich II of (b.1060)

Weimar, Count Wilhelm I of (b.949)

Weimar, Count Wilhelm II of (b.973)

Weimar, Count Wilhelm III of (b.992)

Weimar, Princess Adelheid of (b.1065)

Weimar, Princess Adelheid of (b.1055)

Weimar, Princess Agnes of (b.995)

Weimar, Princess Kunigunde of (b.1055)

Weimar, Princess Oda of (b.1060)

Weimar, Princess Rickhart of (b.1062)

Weimar-Istrien, Marquis Poppo II of (b.1015)

Weimar-Krain, Marquis Poppo III of (b.1064)

Weimar-Krain, Marquis Ulrich of (b.1040)

Weimar-Meissen, Marquis Wilhelm IV of (b.1018)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Albrecht III of (b.1183)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Albrecht of (b.1254)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Heinrich III of (b.1275)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Hermann II of (b.1189)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Hermann III of (b.1252)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Hermann IV of (b.1272)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Hermann V of (b.1281)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Otto II of (b.1033)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Otto of (b.1187)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Otto III of (b.1250)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Otto V of (b.1277)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Otto VI of (b.1279)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Otto VII of (b.1310)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Count Siegfried III of (b.1160)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Duke Hermann I of (b.1130)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1270)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1305)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Helene of (b.1345)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Irmgard of (b.1136)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Irmgard of (b.1166)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Irmgard of (b.1185)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Irmgard of (b.1279)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Kunigunde of (b.1036)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Mechtild of (b.1308)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Sophia of (b.1257)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Sophie of (b.1191)

Weimar-Orlamunde, Princess Sophie of (b.1313)

Weinsberg, Princess Agnes of (b.1359)

Weinsberg, Princess Ita of (b.1341)

Weinsberg, Princess Margarete of (b.1385)

Weinsberg, Princess Mechtild of (b.1098)

Weiss-Schmelzhofen, Princess Katharina of (b.1578)

Weissenburg, Bishop Anton of (b.1435)

Weissenburg, Princess Kunigunde of (b.1454)

Weissenstein, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1541)

Weissenwolff, Count Andreas of (b.1495)

Weissenwolff, Count Christoph of (b.1467)

Weissenwolff, Count Christoph of (b.1523)

Weissenwolff, Count Johann of (b.1425)

Weissenwolff, Count Johann of (b.1473)

Weissenwolff, Count Johann of (b.11/19/1493)

Weissenwolff, Count Ludwig of (b.1521)

Weissenwolff, Count Siegmund of (b.1527)

Weissenwolff, Count Simon of (b.1530)

Weissenwolff, Count Wolfhard of (b.1399)

Weissenwolff, Count Wolfling of (b.1462)

Weissenwolff, Princess Anna of (b.9/29/1573)

Weissenwolff, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1498)

Welden, Barbara (b.1500)

Wellington, Duke Arthur Wellesley I of (b.4/29/1769)

Welles, Baron John V of (b.1359)

Welles, Lady Anne of (b.1370)

Welles, Lady Anne of (b.1395)

Welles, Lady Margaret of (b.1460)

Welles, Lord Eudo of (b.1399)

Welles, Lord Lionel of (b.1426)

Wemm, Baron Robert Ferrers of (b.1373)

Wemm, Lady Elizabeth Ferrers of (b.1394)

Wemm, Lady Mary Ferrers of (b.1392)

Wenden, Earl Burislaw of (b.962)

Werd, Princess Susanna of (b.1278)

Werden, Princess Gunhild of (b.1006)

Wenkheim, Princess Dorothea of (b.1304)

Wentworth, Lady Margery

Wentworth, Sir Henry

Werd, Princess Adelheid of (b.1290)

Werd, Princess Agnes of (b.1309)

Werdenberg, Count Gabriel of (b.1454)

Werdenberg, Count Heinrich I of (b.1250)

Werdenberg, Count Heinrich VII of (b.1371)

Werdenberg, Count Heinrich XIII of (b.1446)

Werdenberg, Count Hugo II of (b.1277)

Werdenberg, Count Hugo IV of (b.1305)

Werdenberg, Count Hugo V of (b.1333)

Werdenberg, Count Hugo X of (b.1485)

Werdenberg, Count Ludwig of (b.1453)

Werdenberg, Count Rudolf I of (b.1190)

Werdenberg, Count Rudolf III of (b.1304)

Werdenberg, Count Rudolf V of (b.1337)

Werdenberg, Count Rudolf VII of (b.1378)

Werdenberg, Count Wilhelm I of (b.1380)

Werdenberg, Count Rudolf X of (b.1452)

Werdenberg, Duke Rudolf I of (b.1190)

Werdenberg, Princess Adelheid of (b.1275)

Werdenberg, Princess Adelheid of (b.1280)

Werdenberg, Princess Adelheid of (b.1329)

Werdenberg, Princess Agnes of (b.1300)

Werdenberg, Princess Agnes of (b.1432)

Werdenberg, Princess Anna of (b.1450)

Werdenberg, Princess Clementia of (b.1240)

Werdenberg, Princess Dorothea of (b.1437)

Werdenberg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1245)

Werdenberg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1382)

Werdenberg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1444)

Werdenberg, Princess Hedwig of (b.1243)

Werdenberg, Princess Irmengard of (b.1331)

Werdenberg, Princess Irmgard of (b.1372)

Werdenberg, Princess Kunigunde of (b.1386)

Werdenberg, Princess Kunigunde of (b.1438)

Werdenberg, Princess Margareta of (b.1300)

Werdenberg, Princess Margarete of (b.1436)

Werdenberg, Princess Martha of (b.1439)

Werdenberg, Princess Sophie of (b.1272)

Werdenberg-Alpeck, Count Heinrich III of (b.1293)

Werdenberg-Alpeck, Count Heinrich IV of (b.1335)

Werdenberg-Alpeck, Count Heinrich VIII of (b.1374)

Werdenberg-Alpeck, Princess Udilhild of (b.1376)

Werdenberg-Heilingenberg, Count Albrecht I of (b.1297)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Albrecht II of (b.1322)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Albrecht III of (b.1367)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Albrecht IV of (b.1368)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Christoph of (b.1494)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Felix II of (b.1512)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Heinrich VI of (b.1368)

Werdenberg-Heilingenberg, Count Hugo I of (b.1247)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Joachim of (b.1510)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Johann III of (b.1409)

Werdenberg-Heilingenberg, Count Johann IV of (b.1414)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Count Johann VI of (b.1492)

Werdenberg-Heilingenberg, Count Ulrich II of (b.1448)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Agnes of (b.1405)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Anna of (b.1516)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Barbara of (b.1517)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1364)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1518)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Katharina of (b.1362)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Katharina of (b.1415)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Katharina of (b.1514)

Werdenberg-Heilingenberg, Princess Kunigunde of (b.1399)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Margarete of (b.1416)

Werdenberg-Heilingenburg, Princess Verena of (b.1414)

Werdenberg-Razuns, Count Georg I of (b.1391)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Eberhard II of (b.1369)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Felix I of (b.1486)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Georg III of (b.1452)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Hartmann I of (b.1254)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Hartmann III of (b.1299)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Heinrich V of (b.1324)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Heinrich IX of (b.1388)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Hugo VII of (b.1390)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Johann I of (b.1342)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Johann II of (b.1392)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Count Rudolf IV of (b.1319)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Princess Agnes of (b.1480)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Princess Elisabeth of (b.1487)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Princess Magdalena of (b.1472)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Princess Magdalena of (b.1490)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Princess Margarethe of (b.1423)

Werdenberg-Sargans, Princess Ursula of (b.1491)

Werdenberg-Schmalnegg, Count Eberhard I of (b.1339)

Werdenberg-Sigmaringen, Count Hugo IX of (b.1440)

Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen, Count Eberhard III of (b.1387)

Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen, Count Eberhard IV of (b.1419)

Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen, Count Heinrich XII of (b.1416)

Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen, Princess Agnes of (b.1422)

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