The header for our site, it reads Societal Information.

Education Government
Health Survivors of Violence
Teen/Children Concerns Group Email
Goals Societal Team

The purpose of this site is to find, collect, and disseminate information about web sites that are of value to society. Perhaps you need to brush up on your education or employment skills or you have questions about parenting. Learn the best way to navigate sites leading to government information. Get help from experts to keep healthy and fit. Get support for someone with special needs or a victim of abuse. Teens, find tips and answers to common questions. Explore Societal Information and discover more.

This work was done as our team project for Virtual University Course 825, Web Pages That Make A Difference. The group welcomes your feedback. When you are done here, board The Rail on the Exploration train.

[ Education | Government | Health Care | Survivors of Violence | Teen/Children Concerns ]
[ Group Email | Goals | Societal Team | Feedback ]

This page has been accessed times since March 19, 1997.

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The Rail

Giving back to the Internet

Pages last updated 1998 Mar 28 and links verified 2000 Apr 10, in process of updating 2004 Jan 3

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