Log Societal Group: Mar 03, 1997

Session Start: Mon Mar 03 20:16:20 1997
*** Now talking in #societal
*** ingo (a066@dialup1.lambton.on.ca) 
has joined #societal
(ingo) HI aNNE
(anne) hi ingo
*** anne sets mode: +o ingo
(ingo) thnaks
(ingo) thanks
(anne) had to get off and reboot as 
  could not connect here a few minutes 
(ingo) what happened - just no luck?
*** shadrak (irwin@irwin.pacificnet.net) 
has joined #societal
(anne) unable to resolve server message
(anne) hi shad
(ingo) Hi Shad
*** anne sets mode: +o shadrak
(shadrak) hi anne, ingo
*** tom (Woofer@a30.pce.net) has joined 
(tom) hello
(anne) hi tom of many disguises
(tom) heheheheh
(tom) am I interrupting anything ?
(anne) we have been going crazy trying 
  to solve a table problem in this study 
  group for homework ;(
* tom knows nothing about html
(anne) have you met shadrak before tom, 
(anne) hahaha
(shadrak) did you get my mail about NS 
   not honoring width in small windows.
(tom) yup
(anne) then how did you do your cool 
  homepage then tom
(shadrak) si
(anne) yes i got it shadrak
(tom) digital doo doo
(anne) i cannot even get the width to 
  set right without a border that way we 
  have it now shad
(tom) anyone use HotDogPro ?
(anne) it just stops where the text on 
  the left stops for the left columns
(ingo) nope
(shadrak) no
(anne) no, do not use an editor
(tom) ok  just thought I'd ask
(shadrak) In a small or large window 
(anne) just the full window shad
(shadrak) 32 bit NS works fine for me in 
   full window.
(anne) it is way to small on the left 
  when i take out the single pixel
(anne) i looked at the carnegie science 
  center page which has a border on the 
  left, they used lots of spacing gifs, 
  but set table size to 590 like ingo did
(shadrak) I'm not gonna re-install win 
   3.x to check it :)
(anne) oh wait they have a border on the 
  right side shadrak
(anne) hahahaha shad
(tom) (gasp)
(anne) http://www.csc.clpgh.org/
(tom) shadrak needs a piece of software 
   called "System Commander"
*** Liz (~locuse@customs426.ipass.net) 
has joined #societal
*** shadrak sets mode: +o Liz
(shadrak) hi Liz
(anne) hi liz
(ingo) Hi Liz
(tom) 'lo Liz
(shadrak) no thanks tom
(Liz) hi everybody!
(shadrak) hey liz, bunch of interesting 
   sites you've been sending out.
(anne) tom, is that the one where you 
  can have all the different win 3.11, 
  win95, and OS2 to boot
(anne) i agree with shad, they look good 
(Liz) thanks, shadrak
(tom) yes up to 100 different operating 
   systems on the same machine, 
(Liz) i realize they are a little after 
   the fact
(anne) no i am still holding out for win 
  3.11 still tom
(shadrak) How much disk does it take tom?
(tom) not very much at all, it installs 
   itself to the MBR
(ingo) but they are still quite helpfu;
(ingo) helpful
(anne) shadrak, tom was the first one 
  who made himself in irc server i met 
  before you did
(shadrak) think I got the ref to wIRC 
   from you tom, didn't I?
*** flamingo (flamingo@ad46-198.compuserv
e.com) has joined #societal
*** shadrak sets mode: +o flamingo
(shadrak) hi flamingo
(anne) hi flamingo
(flamingo) Hi gang
(Liz) hi flamingo
(tom) yup shad :)
(flamingo) hehe
(ingo) Hi Flam ingo
(anne) i love your flamingo logo you made
(flamingo) which one anne?
* shadrak says hahaha!
(anne) what's the next technology we should try from your conference
*** e-less (~ann@ has joined #societal
(anne) the one that flashed on shad's bday card and on your teen page
(anne) hi e-less
(Liz) hi e-less
(flamingo) I'm overwhelmed with everything that I learned this weekend
*** shadrak sets mode: +o e-less
(e-less) hi - I guess we a re meeting her?
(shadrak) nah
(flamingo) Thanks anne
(flamingo) Hi e less
*** sal (~xxxx@anxp11.ob.centuryinter.net) has joined #societal
*** shadrak sets mode: +o sal
*** Requested sound [new-sal.wav] doesn't exist
[shadrak SOUND]
(sal) h, folks...
(Liz) hi sal
(ingo) Hi e-less
(flamingo) Ingo... cute... flam  ingo
(sal) oops...hi
(anne) tina is moving next week so wonder if she will make it tonight
(flamingo) Hi sal
(sal) ooh...
*** sailorme (finley@hd28-153.compuserve.com) has joined #societal
(sal) bless her heart!
(ingo) Hi Sal
(sal) hi, ingo
(sailorme) hi all
* tom is very shy and it's getting to crowded here...catch you later
(shadrak) mode # +s
(sal) take care, shy tom
(tom) C:\ya
*** tom has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** sal sets mode: +s
(ingo) Shad, please translate
(anne) she apologogized for not doing stuff for homework this week, told
her she 
   made up for it from last times
(sal) hahahah
(shadrak) The meeting is secret now, meaning its invisible to people not
on it
(ingo) k
*** sailorme (finley@hd28-153.compuserve.com) has left #societal
(e-less) but I didn't even know about it - just thought I would check to
be sure
(sal) gee...and i didn't get a chance to ask him why he was in here!
(flamingo) Sal and Irwin... has ICQ been down?
*** shadrak changes topic to "what to do for JavaScript"
(sal) think so, cynthia...off and on...
(shadrak) dunno f. haven't had it up in a while.  brb
(sal) copy and paste...
(flamingo) I haven't been able to connect to icq since I got back from
the conference
*** Tina (tatyana@stjhts18c34.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #societal
*** shadrak sets mode: +o Tina
(shadrak) hi Tina
(Tina) hi shad
(flamingo) Hi tina
(ingo) hi tina
(Tina) hi everybody
(shadrak) doesn't seem to be connecting flamingo
(flamingo) thanks for trying shad
*** anne has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
(sal) it connected a time or two for me earlier today
(shadrak) uh oh
(Liz) hi Tina
(shadrak) Anyone know what teachers want in the way of JavaScripts?
(flamingo) I hope that isn't a sign that we are going to have problems
staying on 
*** anne (ahartman@biras111.wwnet.com) has joined #societal
*** shadrak sets mode: +o anne
*** Requested sound [new-anne.wav] doesn't exist
[shadrak SOUND]
(sal) do they want us to write them or learn to use them?
(anne) hi again
(flamingo) I think they just want us to cut and paste some Java script
onto a few 
(anne) use them sal, if you mean java script
(e-less) geocities was impossible - I spent 2hours trying to edit file
(ingo) I think  they want us to use them primarily
(shadrak) anne do you know waht teachers want in the way of JavaScripts?
(anne) they said probably about 3 scripts somewhere on the page
(anne) just so we are familiar
(sal) hmmm....
(flamingo) cut and paste
(anne) and i sent you the java tutorial that leapin liked
(shadrak) We have at least three examples now.  Music, my browser test,
and Ingo's 
(anne) yep or modify if you want to flamingo
(anne) right, we are all set, unless someone wants to do some and sal
has her 
   scripts too
(shadrak) Ingo, mind if I steal some of your scrolling script stuff?
(anne) the lesson apparently was not done to send out, leapin is
expecting us to use 
   the 821 library for the java sources i think anyway
(ingo) take it, no problem
(flamingo) Maybe this means that we will have some time to work on our
content of 
  our pages???
(shadrak) thanx
(anne) AAARGH, no more at the bottom tho, try putting it in a form or
somewhere else 
   on the page shadrak
(anne) flamingo, i think you are right
(shadrak) Nah, I want to devil ya Anne
(shadrak) What do they want for Java?
(sal) that little applet i use is good for random quotes or facts...
(flamingo) I like that sal
(shadrak) We could steal that guest book thing, but that wouldn't teach
anyone much.
(sal) me too...and it's so easy to plug them in...
(anne) and they are maybe planning a special 825 awards irc night about
2-3 weeks 
   after class is over
(anne) i am pinging out again, hope someone else is logging please 
*** anne (ahartman@biras111.wwnet.com) has left #societal
(shadrak) Where's that sal?
(sal) just type the quotes in...
(sal) it's on my mississippi pages, shad
(ingo) Sal, could that be used for ramdom graphs as well, like a slide
(sal) don't think so ....he wrote it just to plug  the quotes into the
script, using 
   an interface...
(flamingo) Ingo, there is a JavaScript that will change your background
each time
*** anne (~ahartman@biras111.wwnet.com) has joined #societal
*** shadrak sets mode: +o anne
*** Requested sound [new-anne.wav] doesn't exist
[shadrak SOUND]
(anne) aaaargh
(sal) hahaha
(anne) is someone else logging please in case i ping out again
(ingo) know where it can be found :)
(Tina) yes anne
(flamingo) I'll look for it and email it to you ingo
(anne) good tina, we can piece ours together
(ingo) k, thanx
(anne) i had to ask again, but what is it you are sending ingo
(ingo) I'm not sending, Flamingo is sending me a script that allows to
change the 
   background each time, right
(flamingo) yes
(anne) oh ok, that is from leapin last night that she gave us right
(flamingo) I found it a couple of weeks ago... I just need to go back
and find it 
(ingo) I tried leapin's script - did not get it to work :(
(shadrak) Has anyone verified what I said about NS handling of column
widths in 
   small windows?  Is anyone planningto?
(anne) oh we also got another one last night, i can copy and paste that
to everyone 
(anne) will it turn off frames too ;)
(anne) i am pinging out again, can you email the log please tina?
(flamingo) Shad, I found that all tables look terrible on a Mac... The
NS window 
  doesn't open to the same size as a PC.
(Tina) yes
(shadrak) Pings are getting slow for me too.
(Tina) no matter how hard anyone tries, no one will be able to get web
pages to look 
   good in all browsers for all systems... it's impossible
(anne) liz sent us that good article on how to set a table smaller so
that mac's see 
   it too
(flamingo) yes
(flamingo) Here is a JavaScript site that you may want to try
(flamingo) http://www2.southwind.net/~timlitw/ncuc/
(anne) and how to format stuff
(shadrak) nice site f.
(flamingo) Here is another site
(anne) tina, i could not get a left border bigger at all
(anne) by setting pixel size
(anne) i say let's just leave it the way it is
(shadrak) I agree Anne
(e-less) but look at the latest version on the tables.html
(anne) elss, your links did not work the last time i tried to see it
(e-less) I spent about 2 hours trying to edit the file to fix links -
   uplaaoded again
(anne) will look at it later then
(e-less) what's wrong with geociites?
(anne) ingo did you ask liz about making the background changes?
(ingo) not yet
(Liz) what background changes??????/   :-)
(anne) hahahaha
(anne) we have not found the perfect one yet, but look at the distance
education one 
   for links
(ingo) Anne an I were talking about a somewhat consistent image of all
the pages
(Liz) that sounds good
(ingo) And we were wondering if you could adjust the K1 - 12 in it's
appearance to 
   the othe education pages
(ingo) its appearance
(Liz) sure, no problem
(ingo) good
(Liz) the k-12 was just a draft to store some links
(anne) flamingo, your pages look terrific
(ingo) sure, I still have some link pages set up that way as well
(anne) and tina, you added a lot of stuff too
(Tina) yes
(flamingo) Thanks anne. I still have lots to do and I need to edit all
of the pages
(anne) oh i know, you put the html 3.2 check mark on the main page and
your page
(anne) we should all probably use similar kind at the top of ours
(Tina) anne, yes because they both validated with no errors
(anne) i wonder what the difference is as the one shad uses always says
draft for 3.2
* anne says that tina is good
(shadrak) that's what my editor puts out.  I have to get rid of the word
draft to 
(Tina) http://ugweb.cs.ualberta.ca/~gerald/validate/
(Tina) that is for a validator called A Kinder/Gentler Validator
(anne) counselor, aka jeff, is going to see how java script works with a
   browser this week
(anne) oh i like that html checker cause it tells you more detail if
something is 
   not right
(anne) ok shad, i will copy tina's words then on mine
(anne) that is one of the things that ghatten suggested we discuss and
try to agree 
   on as valid html is one of the criteria
(anne) if there is something we can justify as to why it doesn't in a
   that is fine as we know it is ok
(shadrak) non of the validators accepts TARGET =, which they should.
(anne) oh that is interesting
(e-less) what is target?
(sal) hmmm...maybe they are trying to tell you somethihng about frames,
(sal) thing
(anne) and for sure we know all about that from Infosources ;) on the
(anne) hahhhaaaa sal
(anne) i betcha sal's frames validate
(sal) hahahaha
(sal) shad doesn't think they are pretty...
(sal) ;-(
(anne) ;(
(anne) those are my favorite frames too
(e-less) I'm goint to go now - bye
(sal) hahah...
(anne) nite eless
(sal) take care, eless
(ingo) nite eless
*** e-less has quit IRC (EOF From client)
*** shadrak has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
(flamingo) Well sal, I know that shad must be *very* special to get you
to do frames 
(sal) hahaha...he is, cynthia
(flamingo) That is great
(sal) but would have done them for most anyone who is as enamoured of
them as he 
(flamingo) I loved your frames
(anne) he was really touched by all the things people did
(anne) sal, i originally put your frames on the lesson homework ;)
*** shadrak (irwin@irwin.pacificnet.net) has joined #societal
(sal) he really was...and said he gave the url to his son, who loved
(shadrak) caught that!
(sal) hahaha, anne...gee...why didn't you keep them in...
(flamingo) hehehe
(sal) tee-hee...
*** Tina sets mode: +o shadrak
(sal) the minute you turn your back...
(anne) i still mite put it back somewhere
(sal) i think you should...i can add the little jscript thingy several
times, to 
   have some ugly things to say about the geezer...
(anne) hahahaah
(anne) for sure we will put it up for the javascript
(anne) and this week will just put the frames you did as a link ok
(flamingo) You two are too much
(shadrak) e-less' new table works, but she has specified table width,
left column 
   width and right column width all in pixels, which I don't like.  In
full screen 
   the text is much narrower tahn it should be.
(anne) it will be interesting to see if i can get it lined up right in
my browser
(anne) but i am going to wait til we are done with the meeting to look
(anne) shad, that narrower size looks ok in a mac i bet
(shadrak) Is that what she uses?
* anne is tired of looking at more homework pages AAAARGH
(anne) no she has win95
(anne) i was just remembering what cynthia said
(flamingo) I checked the pages at work on a mac
(anne) ingo has the table border page he made set to width=590, how does
it look to 
   you shad
(shadrak) url?
(anne) what width did she set it for shad
(ingo) brb
(flamingo) NS on a mac has a default to open at about width=600
(shadrak) 692 total, 247 left, 445 right as I recall.
(anne) i mite sneak in and change the border to the one that is just a
   narrower too
(ingo) http://www.oocities.org/Paris/LeftBank/3964/border.html
(sal) what's the tag for italic?
(anne) (i) (/i)
(shadrak) (i)
(sal) thnak
(sal) s
(shadrak) speaking of snaks...
(anne) uh oh, i can tell you are leaving LOL
(anne) guess we all just need to keep working on our pages then
(flamingo) Is shad going to eat a snake?
(Liz) no flamingo that's snakeS    :-)
(sal) hahaha...
(sal) ssssssss
(shadrak) Wife is gone for four days.  Gotta do my own cooking.
(anne) flamingo or tina, will send me your log of tonight please
(flamingo) k
(anne) oh glad she got to go on her trip then shad
(anne) thanks
(shadrak) you're welcome
(Tina) anne sure
(anne) i will post them tomorrow
(shadrak) First trip, 'nother one next week
(anne) on the webpage then
(shadrak) Ingo shouldn't there be a picture on the borderless one? 
Doen't show in 
(anne) interesting that leapin said NS4 is supposed to more like MSIE
for tables
(ingo) there is a statue with a cat 
(ingo) in both pages
(anne) oh it is a statue then
(anne) kept wanting to ask you who it was
(shadrak) Don't see it in either.  lemme try NS3
(ingo) the cat is real
(anne) that is what i thought, is it your cat?
(ingo) no, I picked pu that pictue somewhere
(anne) k
(ingo) up
(sal) ok...anyone an english teacher?
(anne) cynthia, do you have urls for some of the homework you did for
ZDU graphics 
(flamingo) Ingo, I really like your Side Border page.
(ingo) thanks
(shadrak) you're welcome
(ingo) my wife is, why
(flamingo) anne, do you want my url for PSP
(anne) yes please
(flamingo) http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Acropolis/6729/psp.htm
(anne) great, thanks
(sal) shad, you might know...when you use (sic) after an error you
quote, do you use 
   it again if the same error appears in the paragraph?
(anne) i can even remember that one
(ingo) Shad, I just 'flushed' my cache and reloaded the bordr pages -
with pictures
(flamingo) anne, we had assignments that we were doing for each lesson
(shadrak) dunno sal
(sal) k
(anne) i remember seeing spidey's page he did for psp last term, he's in
   ring, was neat exercises he did for it
(sal) thanks...
(anne) sal, if you email me what you are trying to say i can check it
with my paper 
   writing guru friend
(flamingo) anne, do you want a copy of each of our lessons? 
(anne) oh please, i would love them, thanks
(shadrak) get it fine in ns3.  right column bleeds into picture in small
(sal) anne, i'm loading strunk and white now, to see if i can find
it...but will 
   email you if it's not addressed in there...thanks...
(anne) k sal
(anne) i thought 247 would be too small shad, the border is bigger than
that by size 
(ingo) sal, repeat it in [sic] square brackets
(anne) oh you are talking about ingo's. sorry
(sal) oh, thanks, ingo
(anne) and he added the five pixel columns so it would not bleed
* sal just saved the page...
(anne) i am frustrated cause there was a problem on my laptop with
getting into the 
   isp i use for school, they reinstalled NS 1.2 (:
(ingo) if you reduce the screen, will the background reduce proportional 
* sal still likes ns1.2
(shadrak) I'm not sure I'm getting your latest version.  That blasted
scrolling text 
   never stops.  Hold on.
(anne) hahahaha
(anne) i remember when chacha put it on her page just to try the
scrolling text tho
(anne) and that is the only thing the instructors criticized yellow
brick road for, 
   when they had their scrolling script at the bottom
(sal) really? i didn't know that...
(anne) yep
(sal) but do understand it!
(anne) you notice they took it off now ;)
(shadrak) Ok cleared cache and reloaded.  Right column is bleeding in
small window;  
   going to large.
(sal) haven't looked at those pages in awhile...
(anne) yes because you cannot see the urls and stuff at the bottom
screen like you 
   should be able to
(sal) right...one of my pet peeves...
(shadrak) Same bleeding in large.  Picture is 1" in both.  My resolution
is 1024x768
(anne) it is just amazing how anybody can ever create webpages
(shadrak) The problem is borders
(sal) hahaha...that's the truth
(anne) they look so different in different browsers and monitor
resolutions ;(
(ingo) could that be the explanation - pixel change - graphics don't
(ingo) border graphics don't
(anne) shad, please look at that carnegie science one and tell me how it
works for 
(shadrak) url?
(anne) brb
(shadrak) or do I pull a bec and look at the log?
(anne) http://www.csc.clpgh.org/
(anne) i hate pirch, can't click in the window without an extra mouse
(anne) they were thinking about going to frames because some felt it
wasted too much 
   space with a table and side border
(flamingo) anne, I copied and pasted the 4 lessons from PSP that I have
and sent 
  them to you. They may not be pretty, because some of the lines don't
line up.  
(sal) i don't know that i've ever seen a site where the side border
didn't have 
   problems of one sort or another...
(anne) tina, i don't think anyone found that your tables with the
borders bled did 
(anne) thanks flamingo for sending them
(Tina) anne, I don't know
(Tina) no one mentioned anything to me, I don't think
(sal) i don't even know that i've seen them...
(anne) sal, i am talking about tina's home page
(flamingo) Anne, who's page were we looking at on irc last night from
825? There 
  line border bleeds too.
(Tina) oh my personal homepage are all border backgrounds
(shadrak) Anne, the page didn't quite fit into the small window but
looked OK.  In 
   the large window, the right border took up most of the space with
lots of empty 
(sal) oh...but she doesn't have stuff written in the borders...or at
least i don't 
   remember it if she does...
(anne) oh i did not look at anyones page from the class flamingo
(anne) there are just the button bars to link areas there i think
(flamingo) The Web Draggons?
(Tina) no sal... except my first page... i have graphics in the border
(sal) ok...don't remember that...
(anne) shadrak, before education gets too far along, will you check to
see if there 
   is bleeding in it
(shadrak) I have had no problem to speak of with straightforward borders
on the 
   left.  It's when you have borders on the right or pictures in the
middle, or 
   squiggly lines that you have trouble.
(anne) ingo set the cellpadding fairly large, so maybe that will help
(shadrak) sure anne
(anne) thanks shad
(Liz) guys, I'm going to hit the sack.  Or let the sack hit me.  Good
nite!   8-}
(sal) take care, liz
(Tina) night liz
(shadrak) nite liz
*** Liz (~locuse@customs426.ipass.net) has left #societal
(ingo) see yea
(Tina) I'm going to go as well
(sal) where does she live?
(Tina) it's 10:45 here
(sal) must be in your time zone, then...
(anne) sal, there are no new announcements on geocities page
*** Tina has quit IRC (My mind isn't always in the gutter... sometimes
it comes out 
to feed.)
(anne) i still cannot load a geo page 
(sal) hmmm...it's just terribly slow, then...finally got my editing
done... or at 
   least part of it...
(anne) well that is good sal
(anne) k guys, which table is final for the homework then
(flamingo) Here is an url from another class group in 825... their
border bleeds on 
  my screen
(flamingo) http://members.aol.com/kathygig/group.htm
(anne) i find it amazing that whatever editor e-less uses keeps putting
in sizes 
   that she is not aware of
(anne) oh thanks flamingo
(shadrak) she's using word out of office 7?  her email is one long line
in my reader.
(flamingo) Mine too, shad
(sal) oh, wow...
(anne) i know, it is for me too shad
(sal) hmmm...i haven't noticed that...what do y'all use? i use eudora
(shadrak) Edu look Ok in NS3.  The cellspacing does fine.  Trying IE,
but it has 
   trouble connecting to geo
(ingo) I am using pine :( to receive, most often Netscape mail to send
(anne) flamingo, the D in dragon isthe border for me
(anne) it looks like some of the other tables were intentionally set to
go into the 
(shadrak) Weird.  NS gets to geo fine MSIE can't find the URL!
(flamingo) Do you think so anne?
(anne) sometimes that long line is when you set your email window too
wide to compose
(sal) really? that is weird
(shadrak) Happens to me all the time.
(anne) the left torch is over too far too
(ingo) flamingo - that dragon page is really strange - I can see a
border but the 
   table with background color has screwed it up
(shadrak) Fascinating..when I shut down NS, IE can find geo!
(flamingo) One of the groups in 825 did this page and that is their side
(anne) and i sometiomes have trouble getting to geo in IE when I have
closed down NS
(ingo) DR in dragon bleeds 
(flamingo) Most of this page bleeds for me
(ingo) the text is not centered in the right table panel
(shadrak) Left column bleeds a bit in IE both small and large windows.
(flamingo) I guess we aren't the only group having problems with a side
(shadrak) who else f?
(anne) that music gets a little grating too
(anne) leapin said she has lots of trouble getting stuff in tables, not
   borders, that look great in MSIE and terrible in NS
(anne) i think we did good to get the width for the single pixel so it
does not 
   bleed. LOL
(flamingo) The group that we are looking at .... yes, I agree anne...
but I was 
  going to blame sal for that ... I can't seem to stand music on a page
ever since 
  sal stated that all pages should have a button to turn the sound off. 
(anne) hahahaha
(shadrak) Really thinking ahead weren't we :)
(sal) hahaha...
(flamingo) hehehehe
(anne) i am so happy that i set my friends.mid to only click on
(anne) it was beginning to drive me crazy every time i went to my
(flamingo) I'm going to fix my pages with music as soon as I have some
spare time. 
  Me too, anne
(shadrak) What site are y'all looking at?
(sal) i'm looking at mine...the new pages...
(anne) it is interesting that bec always browses with her java and
javascript turned 
   off, she is worried about the security issues with her ISP
(flamingo) http://members.aol.com/kathygig/group.htm
(anne) but i did like the music you chose flamingo
(flamingo) thanks anne
(flamingo) But I have found that sometimes I just don't feel like
listening to 
  music... so I want to be able to turn the sound on or off
(anne) oh that is funny they merged with another group to keep going
(anne) oh i agree flamingo
(shadrak) Bec should try ActiveX then :)
(anne) i thought i would be able to see activex when i gopt NS 3.01 ;(
(anne) but cannot again
(anne) your homework for PSP is fun flamingo
(flamingo) Funny is more like it... :-)
(shadrak) The Chaos Group in Germany just demonstrated that if you use
Quicken for 
   on-line banking, they can write an activeX script that will add a
transaction to 
   your Quicken DO List that tranfers funds from your account!
(anne) wow, how have you found the time to do all this cynthia?
(shadrak) That page is taking forever to load.
(flamingo) Anne, I'm not sleeping much...
(anne) ahahahahaha
(anne) i was thinking about doing quicken online banking shad
(sal) i read something about that, shad...so now ms has gone into spin
(anne) flamingo, your lessons seem to go right along with the book the
   wrote too
(shadrak) That page broke my NS4, locked up the machine till I ended the
(anne) oooh my
(sal) wow...
(anne) you are talking about the dragon rider one shad???
(flamingo) The instructor of the book is the instructor of the class,
(anne) right i know flamingo
(shadrak) I have been using Quicken Bill payer for a long time.  It's
convenient and 
(shadrak) yep anne
(anne) i am doing a terrible job of keeping up with bills since we
started all these 
   web pages
(flamingo) Well, I have to finish my student's six weeks grades... they
are due 
  tomorrow... good night!
(shadrak) How's your credit rating?
(sal) hahaha...i know what you mean...
(sal) take care, cynthia....
(shadrak) nite flamingo
(ingo) nite flamingo
(sal) WAS good!
(flamingo) seeya, everyone
(shadrak) Time for me to go too.
(anne) k think i will get off too
(sal) party pooper
(anne) shad, which homework  page should we use then
(ingo) see yea, shad
(anne) the single pixel one
(shadrak) Do I need a pooper scooper?
(anne) hahahaha
(sal) tee-hee
(shadrak) I already sent that one in.
shadrak says TTYL
(anne) oh that is where they will look
shadrak [irwin@irwin.pacificnet.net] has left #societal
(anne) was gonna say that e-less would upload her other file if anyone liked it better
(ingo) you guys took courses with VU before
(ingo) do instructors give feedback on individual pages
(anne) yes, it has been a year ago since i started ingo
(sal) and this is my second term...
(anne) i had just gotten on the Net and took one starting last winter term
(anne) that was 811 that sal took this summer
(sal) oh, this is my third term...i forgot!
(anne) ghatten or leapin would both be happy to look and give you feedback if you ask them ingo
(sal) crs
(anne) that is why cynthia like ZDU tho as she gets instructor feedback for every assignment they do for class
(ingo) I think feedback is an impotant part of the process
(anne) and also class members email feedback too
(anne) ingo, the main feedback we do is here at buffnet tho with each other
(ingo) sure, but the question is whether one meets their expectations
(ingo) as well
(anne) leapin said we all were last nite
(anne) this is a real different kind of class tho
(ingo) guess so
(sal) i'm going to work on that page some more...see y'all afterwhile, i hope...
(sal) take care...

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