David Soares Apistogramma & Dwarfs

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Articles Copyright © 1998, David Soares, All Rights Reserved

Photos Copyright © 1998, David Soares, Uwe Romer, Doug Brown, All Rights Reserved

Web Pages Copyright © 1998, Doug Brown, All Rights Reserved

David Soares Apistogramma and Other Dwarf Cichlids

COMING SOON!   Spawning of Apistogramma Regani!

David Soares Apistogramma & Dwarfs

Tired of seeing those beautiful Dwarf Cichlids in the hobby magazines and

not being able to buy them for yourself?

Then welcome to the wonderful world of Dave Soares and his


Unbelievable parental care....colors....shapes....behaviors.....

The Apistogramma species of tropical fish has it all and more!!!

A. luelingiA. resticulosaA. cacatuoides
David Soares Apistogramma and Other Dwarf Cichlids
Fish For Sale | Articles | Photos | Contact Dave