Foster Care Events & Issues

SUBJECT:  Foster Care Damage Claims

Two recent claims from foster parents for unauthorized telephone usage expense by foster children has caused us to look at ways to minimize future losses in this area. Specifically, the problem lies with foster children making long distance and/or "900" number calls without the foster parent's consent or knowledge. Although we consistently remind foster parents to be vigilant in their supervision of the children including the use of telephones, some additional safeguards may be taken in particular with homes that receive adolescents.

Please advise foster parents of the following actions that may be taken:

  1. Request the telephone company to put a block on the access of any "900" number calls.
  2. Request the telephone company to put a block on the access to international calls. The decision to place this kind of block will depend on whether the individual foster parents require access to international lines.
  3. Request the telephone company to assign a PIN number to be used to make long distance calls, including international if needed. The PIN number should only be available to the foster parents. (Note: This service may not be available in all areas of the state)
  4. Foster children needing to call distant parents. Relatives, social workers, attorneys or other significant persons should ask permission to do so. Foster parents may dial the appropriate number and hand the phone to the child when it begins to ring.
  5. Any one time costs associated with the telephone company providing these services will be reimbursed by the Department.

Of course these guidelines are advisory in nature and foster parents may freely choose not to apply them. However, should they choose not to follow these guidelines, the Department may deny claims for reimbursement for any unauthorized toll charges resulting from foster children's usage.

Please have your R&C staff furnish appropriate foster parents with this information. If problems are experienced with implementation, please let us know.

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