The Tenderhearted Mercies Website

This site will soon be going away. It's successor will also be a Christian website and will have links to The Selection of Bible Verses Page, The Bible Quiz Page, The Timeline of U.S. Church History, The Surfer Bible Study, and Christian Travel Destinations. All of the sub-directories to the other links will be deleted, so, bookmark what you want to keep now.

There is a site map for this website.

Yes, I've finally put a guestbook on the site. If you have a minute, please leave the rest of us with your thoughts.

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There is a lot of stuff on the web about how to write pages friendly to people who are blind, deaf, or have other disabilities. If you maintain a site, you might like to visit The Unified Web Accessibity Guidelines Page for help in this regard.

This site was last fiddled with September 28, 2000

I've just added a link to the translation of a document brought out of Sudan which incites Muslims to violence against Christians.

Also, I've just added a link to the 5th Annual Henderson NE, Christian Music Festival.

Also fairly recent is the Christian Travel Destinations page.


Also check out

The Simple Idea Page.

It's really simple.

Holy Bible

If you're wondering what's in the Bible, and have no desire to surf around in the site, you might like to jump right in and visit

The Selection of Bible Verses Page.

Please select one of the twelve topics below to read a directory of links concerning that topic. Be warned, you've already entered the World Wide Web, the vast bulk of which is not only IN the world, but OF it as well. Have your senses excersised to discern both good and evil. Hold on to what is good and reject what is not good, as always.

Jesus in the Garden.

1. Visit

The On Line Bible and Bible Study Page

to learn about God and His Plan for us, His children.

Jesus and a Boy.

2. Visit

The Children's Page

for lots of fun for kids.

Martin Luther.

3. Visit

The Lutherans Page

for stuff about the Lutheran Church, and a little bit about yours truly.

A Bunch of Teens.

4. Visit

The Youth Page

for stuff that will hopefully be of interest to teenagers and college age people.

Hands Folded in Prayer.

5. Visit

The Prayer Page

for some thoughts about prayer, and some famous prayers.

World Wide Message Tribe.

6. Visit

The Music Page

for lots of Christian music of all types.

Old Books.

7. Visit

The Wisdom Page

for writings of the church fathers, other books, educational sites and some online magazines.

The Start of a Marathon.

8. Visit

The Life Page

for stuff about our life as strangers here on earth.

Map of Ancient Israel.

9. Visit

The History Page

for stuff about the history of the Mediterranean world and of Christianity.


10. Visit

The Art Page

for some Christian works of art and the Bible passages they illustrate.

The World.

11. Visit

The World Page

for stuff about denominations, missions, and lots of Christian links.

Some Newspapers.

12. Visit

The News Page

for news and ideas from all over the world.


The Tenderhearted Mercies Website 
powered bySYSTRAN Translation Software

Right, this isn't perfect (e.g. it will render "Job" as "travail" in French), but who is?

This site is available in three languages other than English;

visit this site Auf Deutsch or

visit this site in Japanese or

visit this site En Español.

Christ Lutheran Church Logo

My church has a website too. If you want to have a look, visit The Christ Lutheran Church Website.

Visit the

Haiti Lutheran Mission Society.

This mission is laboring under some of the most difficult circumstances this side of the planet. Please visit their page, read about their work, and pray for them.

Also visit The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti.

A Surfer

Relatively new on this site is

The Surfer's Bible Study Page.

Jesus makes dead people alive!

(It's free, just tell Him you want it.)

The lady who maintains
the Life, Love and & Pursuit of Happiness webpage awarded me this. Just goes to show that
with God, all things are possible. Thanks Janet.

It reminds me of the parable (not from the Bible, so take it for what it's worth) of the six year old who diligently painted a scribble and proudly presented his gift to his father, "Look what I made for you Daddy!".

The father hugs his son and puts the offering on the refrigerator and says, "Now remember son, don't hit your brother and play nice with your sister".

Yes, Father.

My name is Allen Keen.
Please write to me at ...

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