The Shubb Family Tree

Welcome to the Shubb Family Tree. If you are a Shubb, if you are related to a Shubb, or if you just know of a Shubb, you will want to visit this site. Because it is such an uncommon name, most if not all Shubbs, at least in the United States, have the distinction not only of sharing the same name but of being related. Through this page, members of the Shubb family can trace their roots, learn their family history, and keep in touch with their relatives.




The Shubb family mourns the loss of our beloved "Cousin Benny," who passed away on July 20, 2002 at the age of 97. A true patriarch in recent years, he will be missed.

Ben Shubb

Family Tree.View a graphic depiction of the family tree going back six generations.

Family History. Learn about the origin of the name and the history of the Shubb family, beginning in 19th Century Russia, following their move west, and concluding with where their descendents are now.

Shubbs on the Web. Explore some of the websites of some members of the family and learn more about what they have been doing.

Shubbs on the Net. See a list of Shubbs with addresses on the Internet, and send them e-mail.

Archives. View old family documents, such as Barnet Shubb's original Petition for Naturalization as a United States Citizen, and Midge's birth certificate from Liverpool, England. Legible typewritten copies are also available.

Family Origins. Maps of Ukraine showing the Village of Mena, from which the family emigrated.

Photo Album. Photographs of some of the Shubbs mentioned in these pages dating from the 19th Century to the present.

If you have any old photographs or birth, wedding or naturalization certificates, or any other Shubb family records or documents you would like to have incorporated into the page, please send in photocopies. If you would like to send in photographs, we will scan them and return the originals to you. The mailing address for the Webmaster can be obtained by sending an e-mail to

New features:

Cool Family Tree. Probably the most unique feature of this website is the family tree graphic. Thanks to Benny Shubb for the original design and Rick Shubb for putting it in graphic form. You should be able to see it all by scrolling horizontally. Check it out! And be sure to return to this page afterwards to check all of our other features as well.

Sign the Guestbook. Read the Guestbook.

William Shubb, Webmaster.

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Copyright © William B. Shubb, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. All rights reserved.