Bubbles Wi's Home Page

Hi, I'm BUBBLES WI, my real name is Becky and I'm 39 years old. I have children, Destin age 17 and Deeanna age 11. We had three cats, (Koshka, Lydia, and Simba) but we had to get rid of them because my step-daughter Allysa is allergic. We also have one dog, (Duke) and two Ferrets (Sassy and Monty. We used to have 5 ferrets, but Dudley died over a year ago and we had to give the other two up because 5 was just too many to handle. Look for any pictures on our PET PAGE.
On April 21, 2000 I married a man who had three children (Deuane, Shaun and Allysa). I had hoped to build pages for them on this site also, but their mother wouldn't allow it. You can find out about John on his own page though.
"Our Pets"

Click on any name to the left and link to our individule pages and discover our worlds. I hope you enjoy learning about us. Oh.. and don't forget to sign "MY" GUESTBOOK at the bottom.

© 2002

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OR bubbleswi@yahoo.com

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