Updated 9-26-2003
Best viewed at 800 x 600 resolution
Click on the Drug Free Image to continue
I have resigned from the DARE Officer position, as I have been promoted to Sergeant.  I still support the DARE Program and hope that you do too.   When I began teaching I set high goals that I wanted to see achieved and I passed those goals. 
Without the help from each and every student those goals would not have been possible.  It is my hope that each student remain Drug Free and Violence Free.   I want to say thank you to the many faculity, students and parents for your support and assistance.
Nebraska has 93 counties, they range in size from serving the metro areas around Omaha / Lincoln to the rural areas such as Hyannis.  I work in the mid size.  Sheriff's and their Deputies work  within their county; there are exceptions under certain circumstances. 

As with many Sheriff Departments across the nation, Nebraska Sheriff Departments have a wide variety of duties.  Here's a short (?) variety of what we do:  Enforcement & Investigation (criminal and traffic laws), Civil Process (kind of a mailman for the courts), Prisioner Transport, Court Security,  Corrections, Communications, School Programs.
Several Images on this site may be Copyrighted, before you use any of them ask the owner of the image.    If you wish to use any of the images I designed all I ask is that you create a link back to this page.  You can use the  image below.  
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This site is maintained by me personally if you have questions, concerns contact me directly at the above email address