Welcome to Hienzy's!!!


Here you will find some of the things that interest me, my family and my friends.
The most important thing in our family's life is The Great " I Am ". If it were not for Him, none of this would be possible! I am very excited about a relatively new movement called Promise Keepers. It is a men's ministry, one of their main goals is to help men of integrity stand tall in our world of moral chaos. If you ever get a chance to go to one of the many seminars they have during the year, GO, you will not be sorry.
Other Interests
Other interests of mine include God, almost all sports (Hockey Rules), Hunting, Fishing, Photography, Meteorology, Motorcycles and surfing the WWW.
My wife, Lori (of 10 wonderful years & mother of our 2 beautiful daughters) is interested in quite a few things also.
Lori is also very much into the crafts scene, cross-stitching, crocheting, and other misc. projects. She's always looking for pen pals to exchange idea's with. Give her a shout @ her workshop!
Our two daughters, Damara and Renee have a long list of Childrens Links, check them out.
One last thing before we get to the fav links.
We have just recently moved from Boston to Phoenix to Texas. We are now living in a little town called Hutto. I would be very interested in hearing from any one who could tell us about some good family day trips to take. Also, I would be very interested in learning about some of the little known history of Texas. Please drop me a line I would be happy to hear from you!
Some of our FAVORITE links

Christian Links 
Childrens Links 
Promise Keepers 
Arts and Crafts 
>Our best friend Ahin777's Homepage 
Please, if you have made it this far Sign My Guestbook

And if you wish View My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage

many thanx to the following for making this page possible:
Hypertext Master 2
A cool web page program.
Have visited this web page since 1/31/97. Thankyou for stopping by.
This page last updated on 2/23/97 If you have a problem with any of the links please  let me know.
©thjr 01/26/97
Joshua 24:15
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