All about Cats
True or False? A Quiz for Cat Lovers
        1. The cat is the only animal that purrs.
        2. Never leave a cat alone with a baby. She/he will suck the baby's breath and suffocate it.

        3. Feed your cat as much as she/he likes. Cats stop eating when they are full.

        4. Cats hate water.
        5. A kindle is a litter of kittens.
        6. Cats can't see well in the dark.
        7. Cats have three eyelids.
        8. Feeding your cat dog food will make her/him blind.
        9. Electric light or light from your television set will make your cat shed her/his fur.
        10. Cats shouldn't eat fresh grass because they will regurgitate it.
        11. Cats love garlic.
        12. Cats walk on claws, not paws.
        13. Feline leukemia virus is the leading cause of cat deaths.
        14. The life expectancy of a cat is only nine years, one year for each of her/his supposed nine lives.
        15. There is no such thing as a cat with insomnia.
        16. The largest recorded number of kittens born in a lifetime to a single female cat is 420.
        17. Frontiersman Daniel Boone had a pet cougar named Tennessee.
        18. If your cat is ill, your veterinarian may prescribe baby aspirin.
        19. If your cat sleeps more than 12 hours a day, there's something wrong with her/him.
        20. You shouldn't alter or neuter your cat because it is unnatural.

      Did you make a purr-fect score? See how well you know your cat by going to the next page for the answers.

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