Newfoundland Links

A place to learn and see more of Canada's oldest and youngest province*

A Tribute

As a native Newfoundlander would say, I "come from away". In spite of that I would never be called an "outsider" because of the somewhat negative meaning associated with that word. "Newfies" as many proudly call themselves, are a very warm, positive, and friendly people whose hospitality and perseverance are unmatched. This page and the effort behind it are meant as a tribute to one of God's most beautiful creations and the kind and gentle people that live there. If my humble efforts make just one person more aware of this beautiful province, its special people and its rich history, my work will not have been in vain. God bless Newfoundland.

A bit about me

My 55 years have been spent exclusively in Ontario, Canada. Until June of 1996 I had never included Newfoundland in the many places I had visited. The 17 days my wife and I spent there has changed my life, my views on life, my values and my dreams for the future. Other writers have described the "lure of Newfoundland" and, at some point, I will attempt to do the same. For now I am undertaking these pages on the "Rock" as a labor of love which springs from my desire to share the island's unique features with the rest of the world. For anyone interested my home page tells a bit about me and my life. As I update this page on May 14, 1998, I am looking forward to spending the whole month of July in St. Bride's with many trips throughout the Avalon.

The List of Links

Beautiful amateur and professional photos

Discover the rich history and heritage of Newfoundland and Labrador

The arts, entertainment, television and radio

Newfoundland food and recipe links

*As part of what is now Canada, Newfoundland was the first province to be visited by Europeans. Vikings visited the area some 1,000 years before John Cabot set foot on its shores in 1497. The confederation of Canadian provinces took place in 1867, but Newfoundland did not join the other provinces until 1949. Hence, our oldest and youngest province.

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