Here is the long awaited picture of the 4 generations of Nances that we had taken while Steve's parents and Grandmother were here to visit. Aren't they a handsome bunch!

Steve's parents and Grandmother came to visit Stephanie when she was only 11 days old. We truly enjoyed their visit, though we wish they could have stayed longer. Here are some pictures of the proud Grandparents and Great-Grandmother. While they were here we had a picture made of the 4 generations of Nances. When it comes in, I will be sure to get it on the website!

Steve's Mother, Dee Dee was really excited to see her first grandchild. Of course she teased us about Stephanie being spoiled already because we hold her so much. While Dee Dee was with us, she got to give our little princess a sponge bath. She could not give her a "real" bath yet because Stephanie's cord did not fall off untill she was 4 weeks old. Oh, time Grandma can give her a big girl bath!

Grandpop is checking out Stephanie's perfect little Nance feet. She has an exact miniature of her Daddy's foot. Perfect little toes and the tiniest little ball heel that you will ever see. I will have trouble fitting her in shoes as she grows up.

Grandpop, Elmer was truly happy when he was holding his Grand-daughter. They were sooo funny to watch. Since "E" had all boys, Stephanie was quite a little sweetie for him. I think that between Steve and his Dad, Stephanie will want for nothing. They will spoil her completely...well, if holding her doesn't do it first! Ha Ha

Stephanie's Great-Grandmother, Dora was truly a delight! She told us quite a few funny stories about when she had her children. Steve and she really had a wonderful visit. For me, it was a special visit because family is so terribly important to me and it was wonderful for Grand-Ma Nance to be able to come and see her first Great-Grandbaby. I think that they were quite taken with each other.

This page last updated 12/10/98