

All Aboard!

You've entered the HoboInn Station.
From here you can hop aboard the HoboInn Express and visit with our family and friends. Just click on the trian buttons below for you destination.
Please sign our guest book on your journey.
Enjoy the ride!!!

Thank You Geocities!

You are thepassenger to board our train.
Plus 1097 that was on the old counter

The The Hobos (Sue & Frank) are at the controls, come on into the "Engine" and say "hello"
Stef'sYou can check your luggage in the "Baggage Car" with the Bakers, Tom and Stephanie.
Laura's The Davis family is in the "Club Car" entertaining. Jeff is performing one of his famous illusions. Come on in and join the fun!

Bob'sAre you hungry yet? Bob's in the "Dinning Car" cooking up something good. I hear he's got fish on the menu!

Jody'sJody's in the "Dome Car" checking out the beautiful scenery in Canada.

VivBack here in the "Caboose" is Viv and Ric, my best freinds.

Our Go here to read "Our Story, Love on the Net"

WebThis is where you will find the Web Rings we belong to.

WinAwardApply for our award.

This was given to my by a very "special" friend, Diana of Diana's Little Creations, for a small favor I did for her. Thanks Diana!!

Please take a moment to sign our Guest Book!
I love knowing who was here and what your thoughts are!

Check out my links!
This is where you will find
the links to all the great sites
I found the graphics for these pages.

A special "Thanks" to Steffie for getting me started on this!
I think you've created a monster!
I would also like to give a very special thank you to Diana of Diana's Little Creations for making the HoboInn Train at the top of this page.
Most of all a loving thanks
to my hubby,
for allowing me to spend
my days and nights here to make this.

We love email!

This cute bear will take you to my awards pages

Made With Love by ME!

Frank and I hope you enjoyed your ride on the HoboInn Express
Thanks for taking an interest in us.

Train buttons and email train were made by my husband, Frank, just for this page. If you want to use them, please email me and ask permisson.Thanks :)

Thanks so much Patti!
I attended Heartland University to learn HTML. If you would like to learn, just click on Patti's award to me. It's really a fun class, and it's FREE!!!


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