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the oldest live show in Arkansas

MID-ARK MODEL HORSE EXPO November 21, 2009


Show Secretary:Tracy Rogalla, 87 Orchard Rd., Greenbrier, AR 72058
Phone: 501-679-4354, E-mail tearog@hotmail.com
Best time to call is late evenings, after 7 PM. If you have any questions, just write! Enclose SASE or call (No collect calls)


If you have never been to a live show, you are missing out on a really fun event! At a live show (or model horse expo), you not only get to compete in various classes with your models, but you get to meet other people who share your interests, and you get to see a wide variety of models, tack, and other accessories, all in person!

Don't worry about the basic procedure for live showing...it is quite simple! For halter classes, all you do is take your model(s) to the judging ring and place them on the judging tables. For performance, you will need tack, and in some classes, obstacles and other props. For these classes, you tack up your model in the appropriate tack for the class, and set the model up in the judging ring, along with any needed props. In fact, setting up entries for live shows is far simpler than setting up for taking photos for photo showing...because you do not have to worry about lighting, backdrops, and settings at a live show!

Hope To See You Here For The Mid-Ark Model Horse Expo!!

Flat ribbons 1st-10th place.
Small triple streamer Rosettes to all Champions and Reserves
Triple streamer Rosettes to Grand Champions and Reserves. Which would be for each division.

DOOR PRIZES: We will also have drawings for door prizes.

Tracy Rogalla will judge CM/Resin models
TBA judging for OF models

The hall will be opened at 7 AM Saturday morning for set up. Show will start promptly at 9 AM.

There is a motel in Greenbrier. But it's only about a 15 minute drive from Conway to Greenbrier. And there are quite a few motels right near the exit-125 to 65N. All of the motels listed are found at Exit 125, turn left at the light, go under the over pass. Motel 6, Super 8 and Holiday Inn Express are on the left and the Howard Johnson is on the right.

1. Greenbrier Inn & Suites Phone: 501-679-5100.

2. Motel 6. Phone 501-327-6623 or 1-800-4-MOTEL-6

3. Howard Johnson. Phone: 501-329-2961

4. Super 8 Motel. Phone: 501-505-8880

5. Holiday Inn Express. Phone; 501-450-9112


Each model will need a 3 x 5 card for each horse for each class they enter. On one side put the following information-model's name, breed, and gender. On the other side is your name. The quick way to do this is use address label. Do not put explanation of the class they are in on this card, use a separate card.


Cards are highly recommended, especially if you have an unusual breed or performance event. No cards larger than 8" x 10" will be allowed.


Each exhibitor will have be entitled to a table. When you check in, you will be notified as to where your table is located. If you have any special needs (health reasons, etc.) for you to be close to the judging rings, please note this on your entry form. If there are other attending that you would like to be seated by, just make note of it on your entry form and I'll do my best to accommodate you.


Exhibitors are welcome to bring sales items along and display them on their tables. For anyone who is not a paid exhibitor but wishes to come just to sell, there is a $20.00 fee for one sales table.


Not everyone has a use for ribbons won, or wants to keep them. If you are one of these, we will BUY back your ribbons and rosettes, as long as they have not been written on. Buy-backs are: 5 cents per flat ribbon, 50 cents per rosette. Buy-backs will be conducted at the end of the show or if we run out of a placing.


We will probably have several models and other items to raffle


We will break for lunch around noon for about 1 hour. There are fast food places in Greenbrier-McDonalds, Taco Bell, Arbys, Subway, and Sonic.


Original Finish Breed Halter: 4 models per exhibitor per class.

Customized Breed Halter: 4 models per exhibitor per class.

All Foal Classes: 4 models per exhibitor per class.

All Performance Classes: 3 models per exhibitor per class.

Showmanship Halter: 2 entries per exhibitor per class.


This is strictly for fun. This class has been a great favorite at other shows with exhibitors really using their imaginations and senses of humor. There have been times that the judges and exhibitors were laughing so hard they all had tears running down their faces! One entry per exhibitor. Entries need NOT be horse-related. At other shows we've had entries such as "Teenage Mutant Ninja Cows", "Wisconsin Cowasocki", "Honey, I Shrunk The Horse", "Remakers Graveyard" (Rest In Pieces Cemetery). This class will be judged by all exhibitors and spectators. We will put paper cups by each entry. Exhibitors & spectators & show judges will put loose change into the cups by their favorite entries (we just ask that those entered in the class not "judge" their own entries.) Winner is the entry with the most change in their cup, the rest goes to the show to help defray show costs. There might be children present, so try to keep it clean.


An "entry" may be comprised of more than 1 model; however, only 1 model per entry will be placed (in other words the extra models in the entry are considered props). This is more than just putting a haltered model on the table (this is a halter scene class). The object is to present your entries to their best ability. Props, including doll handlers are encouraged. Use your imagination!! Some suggestions: Barn scenes, pasture scenes, halter setup with handler, training scenes, etc. Exhibitors will be allowed a half table for their entry. We will use both judging rings if needed.


An "entry" may be comprised of more 8 to 10 models. The theme can be make, breed, color, etc. I have one collection I present called Dapples, because of the horses have grey dappling. I saw one collection called Barbaque because all the horses were black, cute idea. Just make sure to put down a card with the collection's name and have your name on the back of the card. It also helps to have a nice set up, just to present your collection better.


1st and 2nd place models to be judged for the championships and reserves listed in the class list. We will call back those models with the ribbons, when it is time to for the judge off. Keep track of your horse's ribbons.


Take Hwy 65 North from Conway. When you reach the first stop light, turn right. When you turn, you'll have Satterfield's on your right and Sonic on your left. Go down this road and turn left on Lois Lane , the event center is the large building on your left. There is a large door on the left side of building that opens into the hall where the show is. I'll put up a sign for the show.


Pre-Entry Deadline: November 20, 2009.

Pre-entries and fees MUST be postmarked by this date submitted to the Show Secretary. Send completed entry form with fees.

Post-Entries: Entries postmarked after November 16, 2009 will be subject to a $10.00 post-entry surcharge. If you will not be paying your fees until the day of the show, you must notify the show secretary by phone, e-mail or by mail of your intent to attend. It is very important that I know how many exhibitors to expect, so that we can be able to arrange for additional table space if needed.

We hope to see you here for a day of fun and competition!


1.OF Stock Foal 2.CM/Resin Harness
3.OF Light Foal 4.CM/Resin Open Costume/Parade
5.OF Other Foal 6.CM/Resin Other Perf(see rules for examples)
OF Foal Ch/Res CM/Resin Misc Perf Ch/Res
7.OF Appaloosa 8.CM/Resin Other English Perf(see rules for examples)
9.OF Paint 10.CM/Resin Hunt/Jump
11.OF QH 12.CM/Resin Dressage
13.OF Other Stock Breeds(see rules for examples) 14.CM/Resin English Trail
OF Stock Breed Ch/Res 16.CM/Resin English Pleasure
15.OF Arab 18.CM/Resin Saddleseat/Park
17.OF 1/2 Arab(includes NSH, Morab, etc.) CM/Resin Eng Perf Ch/Res
19.OF TB 20.CM/Resin Other West Perf(see rules for examples)
21.OF WB/Sport Horse 22.CM/Resin West Games
23.OF Morgan 24.CM/Resin West Stock
25.OF Other Light Breeds(see rules for examples) 26.CM/Resin West Trail
OF Light Breed Ch/Res 28.CM/Resin West Plea
27.OF Draft Brd CM/Resin Western Perf Ch/Res
29.OF Pony Brd 30.CM/Resin App
31.OF Spanish/Andalusian/Paso 32.CM/Resin Paint
33.OF Gaited Breed 34.CM/Resin QH
35.OF Mules/Donkeys/Exotics Brd 36.CM/Resin Other Stock Brd(see rules for examples)
37.OF Other Pure Brd(see rules for examples) CM/Resin Stock Breed Ch/Res
39.OF Other 1/2/Grade/Mix Brd 38.CM/Resin Arab
OF Other Breed Ch/Res 40.CM/Resin 1/2 Arab(includes NSH, Morab, etc.)
41.OF Open Harness 42.CM/Resin TB
43.OF Open Costume/Parade 44.CM/Resin WB/Sport Horse
45.OF Other Perf(see rules for examples) 46.CM/Resin Morgan
OF Misc Perf Ch/Res 48.CM/Resin Other Light Brd(see rules for examples)
47.OF Other West Perf(see rules for examples) CM/Resin Light Breed Ch/Res
49.OF West Games 50.CM/Resin Draft Brd
51.OF West Stock 52.CM/Resin Pony Brd
53.OF West Trail 54.CM/Resin All Spanish
55.OF West Plea 56.CM/Resin Gaited Brd
OF West Perf Ch/Res 58.CM/Resin Mules/Donkeys/Exotic
57.OF Other Eng Perf(see rules for examples) 60.CM/Resin Other Pure Breed(see rules for examples)
59.OF Hunt/Jump 62.CM/Resin Other 1/2/Grade/Mix Breed
61.OF Dressage CM/Resin Other Breed Ch/Res
63.OF Eng Trail 64.CM/Resin Stk Foal
65.OF Eng Plea 66.CM/Resin Light Foal
67.OF Eng Saddleseat/Park 66.CM/Resin Light Foal
OF English Perf Ch/Res 68.CM/Resin Other Foal
69.Anything Goes CM/Resin Foal Ch/Rest
70.OF/CM Showmanship/Scene
71.OF Collection

Customized/Resin Performance
2. CM/Resin Harness: Draft, Pleasure, or Fine Harness, Vehicle not required.
6. CM/Resin Other Perf: For any performance not listed. (Example: vaulting, obst. driving, combine driving, farm harness,coon jumping, Peruvian Posa perf., racing scenes, etc.) On a 3x5 card state WHAT the event is the model performing. No costumes.
10. CM/Resin Hunt/Jump: Appropriate obstacle required.
20. CM/Resin Other West Perf: West BB,West Riding, Free Style Reining, West Sidesaddle, etc. On a 3x5 card state WHAT the event is the model performing.
22. CM/Resin West Games: Barrels, Poles, or other games. On a 3x5 card state WHAT the event is the model performing.
24. CM/Resin West Stock: Cutting, animal required. Roping, rope and animal required.
26. CM/Resin West Trail: obstacle required.
Customized Halter
NO Halters or Headgear unless it is molded on the model. Please note that Limited Editions/Unusual Manufacture models are to enter the customized classes for halter and performance. This category includes: Rio Rondo resin, Eustis, and any other model horse that is produced in material other than plastic and was/is produced in limited quantities.
36.CM/Resin Other Stock Brd: Mustang, BLM & Spanish, Palomino, Brumky, Rangbred, Australian Stockhorse, etc.
48.CM/Resin Other Light Brd: Pinto, Akhal Teke, Standardbred, Cleveland Bay, etc.
60.CM/Resin Other Pure Brd: Bashir Curly, Friesian, Welsh Cob, Spotted Saddlehorse, Rocky Mountain Horse, etc.
64, 66 and 68 CM/Resin Foal: Foals can only enter these classes and NOT the CM Breed classes.
64.CM/Resin Stock Foal:Appaloosa, Paint, Quarter Horse, Mustang, etc.
66.CM/Resin Light Foal:Arab, Part Arab, Morgan, Andalusian, Paso, etc.
68.CM/Resin Other Foal:Gaited, Pony, Draft, Mule, Donkey, Zebra, etc.
Original Finished Halter
NO Halters or Headgear unless it is molded on the model.
1, 3 and 5 OF Foal: Foals can only enter these classes and NOT any of the OF
Original Finished Breed classes
1.OF Stock Foal:Appaloosa, Paint, Quarter Horse, Mustang, etc.
3.OF Light Foal:Arab, Part Arab, Morgan, Andalusian, Paso.
5.OF Other Foal:Gaited, Pony, Draft, Mule, Donkey, Zebra, etc.
13.CM Other Stock Brd: Mustang, BLM & Spanish, Palomino, Brumly, Rangebred, Australian Stockhorse, etc.
25.CM Other Light Brd: Pinto, Moarab, 1/2 Arab, NSH, Akhal Teke, Standardbred, Cleveland Bay, etc.
37.CM Other Pure Brd: Bashir Curly, Friesian, Welsh Cob, Spotted Saddlehorse, Rocky Mountain Horse, etc.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39 include Breyer, Stone, Winners Choice, Micro Mini, Hartland, Hagen Renaker, Ertl, Beswick, Northlight, BHR, Corlette, Breyer cold-cast pieces, Hartland resins and any other plastic, resin(mass produced) or china in original finished.
Original Finished Performance
45.OF Other Performance: For performance not listed. (Example: vaulting, obst. driving, combine driving, farm harness. coon jumping, Pervian Paso perf. racing scences, etc.) On a 3x5 card state WHAT the event is the model performing. No costumes.
47.OF Other West Perf: West BB, West Riding, West Sidesaddle, Free Style Reining. On a 3x5 card state WHAT the event is the model performing.
49.OF West Games: Barrels, Poles, or other games. If event is not obvious, state what it is on a 3x5 card.
51.OF West Stock: Cutting, roping, penning, etc. Animal and proper equipment required.
66.OF Other English Perf: Dressage, Eng Riding, Cross Country, Eng BB, Sidesaddle, Big Lick Walker, Plantation Walker. On a 3x5 card state WHAT the event is the model performing.
Anything Goes
69.Anything Goes: The only restriction is there might be children looking, so keep it clean.
70.OF/CM Showmanship/Scene: Limited to two entries.
OF Collection
71.OF Collection: Limited to one entry of 8 to 10 models by color, breed, make etc.

Tracy Rogalla November 20, 2009
87 Orchard Rd. Pre-entries/Fee MUST
Greenbrier, AR be to the show Sec'y
72058 by this date.
DIVISIONS ENTERED: Place a check mark in the appropriate space.
Division Fee
Original Finish/Customized Halter _______$25.00
Original Finish/Customized Performance _______$25.00
Special Price:OF & CM Halter/Performance _______$42.00(for pre-entry only)
Subtotal _________
Total entry fee paid:___________+$10.00 Late Charge (if you didn't let me know you would be coming to the show)
Total fees must be enclosed with per-entry.
Entry in any of the above divisions entitles you to entry in #69, #70 and #71.

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